
10 Tips to prepare for Ramadhan 

10 Beneficial Tips to Prepare for Ramadhan

by Shaykh Abdul Raheem hafizahullah
1. To fast some days in the month of Sha’baan
This will get you in the system, and then fasting will become easy. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam used to fast in the month of Sha’baan perpetually.

2. Sincere tawba & Istighfaar

It cleanses the heart so the NOOR and Barakah of Ramadhan can enter the heart

3. Pray

We should start praying 5 times a day with Jamaat and Takbeere Ulaa

4. Zakat

We should calculate our Zakat and pay in Sha’baan, or you can pay it gradually throughout Ramadhan

5. Giving Up Sins

We should give up all our bad habits before Ramadhan starts.  If we don’t, they will carry on in Ramadhan too.

6. Have Great Terms With Close Ones

Forgive one another, help one another, advise one another. Spring clean the heart

7. Qaza

If you have missed any fast from last Ramadhan, make up for them before Ramadhan starts. Also make up for any salah, kafaraa etc..

8. Plan Your Daily Schedule

This will help you throughout Ramadhan to be productive and regular in your ibadaat

9. Dua

The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam used to make this Dua:

اللهم سلمني لرمضان وسلم رمضان لي وتسلمو مني متقبلا

10. Social media

Minimize it, only use it for Necessity. This will help you focus to worship Allah more.

Transcribed by Ali Qaisar from Shaykh’s ‘Preparation for Ramadhan’ lecture delivered on 07/05/17

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