Whilst ones duas can be said and read in any language there are many narrations from the collections of hadeeth that provide the Muslims with duas for a wide range of situations and circumstances they may find themself in. Hereunder we provide some which can be learnt and read during the course of our daily life. Where possible we have also provideed the source, a translation and transliteration to aid our understanding and pronounciation of the blessed words. Insha’Allah more duas will be added to the list, please help be a part of reviving the sunnah by sharing this page with as many people as possible.
- Dua When Entering the Toilet
- Dua When Leaving the Toilet
- Dua When Starting Wudu
- Dua on Completion of Wudu
- Dua on Hearing the Call to Prayer
- Dua on Entering the Masjid
- Dua on Exiting the Masjid
- Dua When Dining at Someone’s House
- Dua after Drinking Milk
- Dua When Drinking Zam Zam
- Dua When Wearing New Clothing
- Dua Before Removing Clothing
- Dua When Leaving the Home
- Dua When Entering the Home
- Dua When Looking in the Mirror
- Dua When Boarding a Vehicle
- Dua When Returning Home from a Journey
- Dua at the End of a Gathering
- Dua When Sneezing
- Dua When Thanking Somebody
- Dua When Seeing a Muslim Happy
- Dua When Entering a Market or Mall
- Dua When Seeing a Fire
- Dua When Faced with Grief or Sorrow
- Dua When You Become Angry
- Dua Upon Hearing Thunder
- Dua When Ill or Having Disease
- Dua When Visiting the Ill
- Dua on Marriage/ Wedding
- Dua for the Intending Haji
- Forgive Me and My Parents
- Dua After Iftar
- Dua for Driving in slippery conditions
- Dua for Suhur
- When the weather is hot
- Dua for Strengthening Memory
- Dua for protection from coronavirus
- Dua for protection from harm
- Dua against All Illnesses
- Dua for Iftar
- Dua on Laylatul Qadr
- Supplication of the Traveller for the Resident
- Dua on Marriage/ Wedding
- Dua for safety from calamities
- Dua when strong wind blows
- Dua Before Eating
- Dua After Eating
- Dua if one forgets Dua before eating
- Dua before Sleeping
- Comprehensive Dua
- Dua When Feeling Pain in the Body
- Dua When Seeing Someone Wearing New Clothes
- Dua When Seeing Someone in Difficulty
- Dua When Putting on Clothing
- Du’a for Protection
- Dua for Returning Haji
- Dua Upon Waking Up
- Adhkar for Alleviating Calamaties
- Dua in Anticipation of Ramadan
- Dua for Istikharah
- Sayyid al-Istighfar
- Dua for Exams & Studying
- Dua to seek protection from Debt
- Dua e Qunoot
- Dua when something pleasing happens
Please remember us in your duas too.
8:48 am
I would request you to provide me with Islamic Dua for my hearing loss recovery.
2:19 am
Assalamu alaikum. There’s certainly a great deal to learn about islam.
I really like all the points you’ve made.
4:52 pm
Is there any specific dua for stroke or problem with the brain