Islamic Quotes
Haq Islam’s collection of Islamic quotes from the Ulama, Sulaha and others. Ponder and reflect on these inspirational quotes and take benefit of the lessons to be drawn from them.
- True Devotee
- Ilm
- Trust
- The Greatness of a Tear
- Advance Forward
- Marriage
- Anger
- Contentment
- Internet and Haya
- Aim of Tasawwuf
- Hope and Fear
- Talk with Allah
- Cure for Cancer of Pride
- Dirty Robe
- On the Way to Attending Study Sessions
- Perfection
- Your Deeds Alone Are Faithful
- Look at the self first
- Scattered Pearls
- Sickness of the Soul
- Remembering Allah
- The reality of this world
- Pride
- Real worry
- Spiritual High
- Trials
- Be Active
- Be Careful
- What is in your heart?
- The World is like a Courtroom
- Burdens
- Don’t Grieve
- Announcement
- This life is a dream
- Tests and Trials
- Prayer
- Be sincere
- The Matters of a Believer
- Men and Household Chores
- Be counted among the Righteous
- Three Companions
- Tawfeeq
- Correcting a Child
- Non Acceptance of Du’aas
- Ten Things We Waste
- Actions of Worth
- Keeping Secrets
- Do not Delay
- Are you awake?
- Paradise with ease
- On a Joyful Day
- Remove a Harmful Thing
- Budget Correctly
- Planting Trees
- Giving Gifts
- Don’t Presume
- Spend Wealth Wisely
- Positions of Authority
- Sweetness of Imaan
- Maalik Bin Dinaar
- Be Considerate
- Hadhrat Muhammad Waasi’ (rahmatullah alayh)
- Contentment
- Personality Development
- Develop Inside and Out
- Prove Your Love Daily
- Develop Humility
- Giving up Sins
- Friends
- Effect of Wealth
- Time is More Powerful
- Road Rage
- Most Blessed of All Weddings
- Moderation with Food
- Passage of Time
- Fight Laziness
- Do Not Cause Harm to Others
- Coping with Failure and Loss
- Support Your Child’s Religious Development
- One Bad Habit
- Four Traits
- Learn to Share
- Follow Islam Completely
- Power of Unity
- Naming Children
- Are You Driving?
- Being Unmindful
- Vulgar and Immoral Speech
- Calmness of Heart
- Food and Drink
- Uncontrolled Use of Phones & Devices
- Being Corrected
- Condemning Others
- The Gift of Health
- Turning to Allah
- React Positively
- Inside Our Hearts
- Be Humble
- Favours of Allah
- Clothing
- Improve Our Condition
- Muhasabah
- Once in a Lifetime
- Don’t Waste a Second
- Are You an Asset
- Fickle in Friendship
- Concealing a Defect
- Don’t Lose Allah
- Indicator of Nisbat
- Jealousy
- Time Ticks
- 3 Types of People to Pray For
- Blame Culture
- Phones and Gadgets
- Help Me Respect You Mum
- Remain Steadfast
- Towards a Goal
- Nourishment of the Soul
- Signs of a Hypocrite
- Attitude
- Concern for Humanity
- Bare Minimum
- Petty Rivalry
- The Door of the Almighty
- Be Careful
- Time is More Powerful
- Purify the Heart
- Daughter in Law
- Those who are sincere
- Looking for happiness?
- Worldly Deception
- Concern Yourself with Yourself
- Make the Time
- Divine Help
- Secret Sadaqa
- Arrogance
- Love for Fame & Wealth
- Worst Sin
- Being Tested
- Dark Hearts
- Improved Productivity
- Don’t Let People Stop You
- Need for Pious Company
- Sabr
- Obedience to Allah
- Losing Things
- Receive Allah
- Show Interest in Your Children
- The Tongue
- Suhbat
- Hasten to Virtue
- Evil Habits
- The End is Beautiful
- More Knowledge?
- Sweetness of Imaan
- No Fear or Shame
- Thousands of Good Deeds
- Idle Mind
- Knowledge
- A Positive Mind
- Utilise Ramadhan
- Strive
- Weak Memory
- Implementing Knowledge
- Blame Game
- Dhikr
- During Dhikr
- Allah Loves the Good Doers
- Man has 2 Standing
- Bliss
- The Evil Eye
- Reality of Life
- Intend Today
- Spiritual Hunger
- A hurtful statement
- Thoughts and feelings
- Speak the truth
- Securing Paradise
- Remembering Allah
- A Day of Gratefulness
- Treasure Good Friends
- Addiction
- Cure for jealousy
- Jealousy is ugly
- Deeds being weighed
- Make Your Day Blessed
- Allah has the Power
- Yearning to meet the Beloved
- Desiring Allah
- Focus on yourself
- Love and hate
- The sales are on
- The solution to all
- In the blink of an eye
- Progress
- Greatest thing a friend can do
- Hold onto Allah
- Wealth of Attainment
- Fasting is not difficult
- Quality fast
- Sacredness of Ramadan
- Month of training
- Starving the ruh
- Practice Silence
- True Fast
- purity of speech
- Cautious of ALlah
- Do not argue
- Spiritual benefit of fasting
- Month of sacrifice and taqwa
- Refraining from sins
- Training for the year
- Our speech
- Quranic recitation
- Knowledge of the Quran
- Become a better person
- Avoid bad speech
- time to change
- Support Your Parents
- Meaning of I’tikaf
- Weak Nafs
- Spirit of the masjid
- Purity of speech
- True friends of Allah
- Life is a rollercoaster
- Dirty Hearts
- Benefit of a good deed
- Bad Company
- Rely on Allah
- Three things that harden the heart
- Choose your friends carefully
- Give Life to Your Heart
- Lost and found
- 3 days
- Worry is an illness
- The dumpyard of sins
- Doing a good deed
- Piety of the Mother
- When faced with adversity
- True Alim and Jahil
- When entering someone’s home
- Don’t spoil what you have
- Raise your words
- No Matter How…
- Seeking Advice from Appropriate Advisors
- Time to Contemplate
- Increase Your Love for the Prophet
- Encourage people trying to be better
- Boxing Day Sales
- State of anger
- Your Blessings
- Our Death
- Conquering Oneself
- Deprivation of the Negligent
- In Anger
- Whoever follows the Sunnah
- Time is priceless
- Lack of sincerity
- the Spiritual Virus
- Increase Your Strength
- Inherit From The Prophets
- Reality of money
- 4 Levels of Purity
- Heavenly Food
- Clean Heart
- Perfect moments in Marriage
- Hold onto Salaah
- Sitting with scholars
- Wanting from Allah
- Befriend books and knowledge
- Stages of Knowledge
- Backbiting the Huffaz
- Act to be a better Believer
- Final Days of Ramadhaan
- Special Offers
- Worshipping all year round
- Good Teachers
- Increase in Seeking Forgiveness
- Allah’s Love & Mercy
- Balance in Love & Hate
- Pleasing Allah – Recite Qur’an
- Value Ilm
- Justify the words
- Pushed to Pray
- Abundant Istighfaar
- The Oppressive Car Manufacturers?
- Allah Knows Best
- UnwaveringZikr
- Global Whispers of Durood
- Obsession with Dreams
- Do you want something from Allah?
- Effect of Prayer
- Over indulging in food
- End your negligence
- Spend from what Allah has given you
- How Trusting Allah’s Plan Lifts Sadness and Depression
- Looking at Shortcomings
- Deterioration of the Ummah
- Rectifying others before oneself
- True Humility: Accepting the Truth, No Matter Who Speaks It