- A Pond of Milk
- Only for Allah
- Fruits of Honesty
- Burnt Toast
- Paid in Full
- Are we this foolish?
- The Scholar and the Ferryman
- Sammy’s big Catch
- The Eagle and Crow
- Be Observant
- The Worms
- The Priceless Pearl
- The Educated Young Man
- Stay Sharp
- Junaid Baghdadi and Love for Allah
- Rotten Potatoes
- Bad Temper
- The Detainee and The Detained
- Look After Your Rocks
- The Wisdom of the Shaykh
- Standing by Mothers Bedside
- Perspective
- The Power of Good Words
- The Parable of the Pencil
- Love Allah
- Value what you have
- Had I but Known
- The Story of Abu Ghayth
- The story of Shaykh Abdullah Al-Andalusi
- The Student in the Masjid
- The Price of Imaan
- The Bitter Harvest
- Put the Glass Down
- Helping an Old Man
- A Unique take on Forgiveness
- Human Kindness in Islam
- Can You Sleep when the Wind Blows?
- Allah is the Provider
- Sultan Mahmood Ghaznawi and the Thieves
- When Allah Gives
- Remember Those Who Serve
- Imam Abu Hanifah and the Atheist
- Success of a farmer
- The Lonely Ember
- Real Beauty of a Muslimah
- Be Grateful
- Small Sins?
- The fruits of Honesty
- Lessons from a Donkey
- Daddy – Can I have $10?
- This Eid…
- I Didn’t take drugs
- Are you protected?
- The King and His Friend
- Business with Allah
- Allah’s Mercy
- Making Assumptions
- The Spirit of Ramadan
- Secret Bags of food
- Rizq is fixed
- Honesty and Truth
- The Sheikhs Parrot
- 3 Pieces of Advice Vs 20 Years of Salary
- Say Thanks to Allah
- The Story of Barseesa
- Let me hug you
- Charity wrapped in Dignity!
- The Necklace
- Make the Right Effort
- Humility and Forgiveness
- Poor Frog
- Self Discipline
- The Sheikh and the Parrot
- The Power of Visiting the Sick
- Desire
- The Turner of Hearts
- Four Wives!
- The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch1
- The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch2
- The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch3
- The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch4
- The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch5
- The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch6
- The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch7
- The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch8
- The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch9
- The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch10
6:44 am
‘Masha Allah!!!’ I don’t think I can say anything other than this.
6:52 pm
Mashallah im very happy that I’ve landed this site alhaduillah
2:33 pm
JAZAKALLAH for posting those stories…this site helps me a lot!!
8:03 pm
I just love reading stories . This site offers me some of the most important lessons I need to learn in my life.
9:11 pm
Beautiful stories! Luvd it♥
5:17 am
Brother in Islam. I am very much thankful to Almighty Allah that I came across this website. I was wondering if I could use the material and translate it into Bangla and use them of course with reference to this site.
10:14 am
Wa Alaykum salam
Yes please go ahead and use to translate into Bengali.
4:59 pm
Assalaamu alaekum…,
I found all the stories interesting. how do i get access to more of this for my children and students please. Thanks.
6:24 am
Very good