

True friends are not those who tell us what we ‘want’ to hear but rather what we ‘need’ to hear. Friends are responsible to ensure that the friendship results in the improvement of both sides spiritually as well as in other ways. Those who fear hurting us if the truth is told to us are like those who would rather see us making the wrong decisions in life & then sympathise when we suffer, yet they knew all along how

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The Reward for Good Husbands & Fathers

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful Allah says in the Glorious Qur’an: “And live with [them] in a beautiful manner. If you are then displeased with them, [then know] perhaps you dislike something which Allah has created abundant goodness in it (al-Qur’an 4:19 ). The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: The believer with the most perfect faith is the one who has best character and the one who is kindest to his wife

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Love Allah

by Fatima Asmal Rehana looked up from her cup of tea, and shook her head disapprovingly. “How do I look, Azhar?” Tasneem, her 20-year-old daughter was asking her brother, as she made her way to the breakfast table. “Fat,” giggled 14-year-old Azhar, returning to his plate of sausages and eggs. “Fat is exactly what you are going to be, if you keep stuffing your face like that,” Tasneem retorted, admiring herself in the Defy oven. Clad in her tightest pair

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Giving up Sins

A sin from which we have not repented or that which we continue engaging in without any intention of giving up has many negative effects. It makes us disinterested in benefitting from any religious or spiritual programs. It causes physical, emotional & mental ailments & stress. It disallows us from distinguishing right from wrong, good from bad, permissible from prohibited. It results in loss of enjoyment & concentration in prayer. It makes us befriend our enemies & consider our true

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The Parable of the Pencil

The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box. There are 5 things you need to know, he told the pencil, before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be. ONE: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in Someone’s hand. TWO: You will experience a painful sharpening from

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Develop Humility

Even if you observe another individual committing the worst of vices you should not despise him/her, nor should you consider yourself nobler. It is very much possible that the perpetrator of the vice may resort to sincere repentance while the one who despised the sinner become ensnared in the traps of nafs and Shaitan. One has no certainty regarding one’s end. One, therefore has no basis for regarding another with contempt. Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Source: Albalagh

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How the Qur’an was Compiled

QUESTION: I wanted to know was the entire Qur’an compiled before the Prophet’s death or after by the khalifas. What I mean by compiled is the ordering of the surahs. Before the Prophet’s death (Allah bless him & give him peace), did the sahabas know that the #1 surah is fatiha and #2 is suratul baqara and so forth? Or was this order established by the khalifas like during Uthman (Allah be pleased with him) time? ANSWER: Assalamu alaykum In

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Muhammad: A Mercy to Mankind

By Mufti Hussain Kamani Part 1:   Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6:

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Prove Your Love Daily

Whats the point of trying to impress the women of the world and send them gifts with messages, emails, phonecalls, cards, roses etc when the wife you chose and the “Queen” who bore your children is ignored. She deserves all that and more! How can one day be set aside for love when the year has 365+ days? Its a cheap way to run away from responsibilty and abuse women. A daily sacrifice is required… to prove love and the

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Valentines day

This is an old poem I wrote back in 2008 and I thought I would repost it here for the benefit of readers. by Ahmed Valentines day is here its the same each year we are hit in the pocket people dash last minute to the supermarket to buy their loved one a gift so they can have a temporary lift and then the day is gone as quickly as the dawn and its back to reality for all til

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