
Getting Closer to Allah

To gain closeness to Allah taala a person should do the following things: [1] A believer should make it his/her habit to recite a portion of the Holy Qur’an every day. Recital of the Qur’an is also a strong means in cleansing the hearts of the dirt of sins. [2] Stay away from all sins, especially back-biting, slandering and telling tales, as the Prophet, peace and blessings upon him, taught not only do these things deaden the heart, and thus

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Tests and Trials

This discipline and rough treatment are a furnace to extract the silver from the dross. This testing purifies the gold by boiling the scum away. Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi

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Al Widaa – Urdu Nasheed

Assalam Alaykum, I was listening to this wonderful nasheed early this morning and thought I would share it here. Please accept my apologies for not updating much recently but it is a busy time for me and my family.  Do remember us in your duas. I have added a facebook like button to each post so those readers into the whole social networking thing can you please click on like  for those posts you really like and feel would be

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Prophet Musa and the Bani Israel

When Prophet Musa (alayhis salam) and his people fled from the Egyptians, their trials were far from over. After they had safely crossed the sea, they came upon some people who were worshiping idols. The children of Israel asked Prophet Musa (alayhis salam) to make an idol for them, and he had to remind them of all that Allah had done for them. How could he make another god for them when their Allah was the only true god? Prophet Musa (alayhis

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Paid in Full

A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper, and he handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his mom dried her hands on an apron, she read it, and this is what it said: For cutting the grass: $5.00 For cleaning up my room this week: $1.00 For going to the store for you: $0.50 Babysitting my kid brother while you went shopping: $0.25

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Life with Virtue is a Blessing

Abu Bakrah radhiyallahu anhu narrates that someone said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, “O Apostle of Allah! Who is better among men (i.e., what kind of a man will be successful in the Hereafter)?” The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam replied, “He who lived long and did good deeds.” The same person then asked, “Who is bad to a greater degree among men (i.e., what kind of man will be a loser in the Hereafter)?” The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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Abdullah ibn Masood

Abdullah Ibn Masood رضى الله تعالى عنه was of the tribe of Banu Huzail and was also the sworn ally of Banu Zahra. When Abdullah Ibn Masood رضى الله تعالى عنه was still a youth, not yet past the age of puberty, he used to roam the mountain trails of Makkah far away from people, tending the flocks of a Quraish chieftain, Uqbah Ibn Muayt. People called him ‘Ibn Umm Abd’, the son of the mother of a slave. His real

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This life is a dream

This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief. Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi

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Virtues of Pregnancy


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Help Needed!

Assalam Alaykum, I need to purchase a laptop in the next few days and would like to take some advice from those who know a bit more about laptops and PCs than I do.  I need a laptop to surf the internet, update my blogs, attend live classes @Shariah Program using Paltalk and a bit of internet banking from time to time.  Currently I am eyeing up 2 options: 1, Asus UL20A – £400 2, Samsung X120 – £350 Can you

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