
Shaykh Khalid Abdul Sattar

Shaykh Khalid Abdul Sattar was born in Chicago in 1974. He completed his bachelor’s degree in marketing and management from the Stern School of Business at New York University (NYU) in 1997. After graduation, he began studying with local scholars in Chicago. In 2003, he traveled to Pakistan to further advance his knowledge of the traditional Islamic sciences. There he dedicated five years to a full-time course of studies under some of the most accomplished scholars of the sub-continent. In

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Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam

Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari is a young traditionally trained scholar who studied in different parts of the world. Born in Leicester, UK and raised under the guidance of his illustrious father, Shaykh Mawlana Adam, he started learning about Islam from a very young age and memorized the Qur’an at the very tender age of nine. He initially studied the Arabic Language and various other traditional Islamic Sciences at Darul Uloom, Bury, UK, under many Shaykhs notably, Shaykh Muhammad Yusuf

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Nasihah on using Facebook

Assalamu alaikum: You’re probably rolling your eyes already, figuring this is another rant from some “auntie” weighing in on how “bad” Facebook is. But before you click away from it, for the sake of your future, please continue reading. And no, this is not another dumb chain letter. Read on. Once upon a time, I was young like you. I wanted people to like me. I wanted people to think I was funny, smart but not nerdy, and of course,

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The Parable of Belief

The allegory of belief [iman] is that of a land that has five walls. Al-Hajjawi said in its commentary: It is said that the allegory of belief is that of a land that has five walls. The first wall [the innermost wall] made from gold, the second from silver, the third from iron, the forth from cooked clay [aajurr], and the fifth [the outermost wall] from brick. As long as the people of the brick wall are diligent in protecting

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Only for Allah

There was a pious man among the Banu Israel who always remained busy in the worship of Allah.  A group of people came to him and told him that a tribe living nearby worshipped a tree. The news upset him, and with an axe on his shoulder he went to cut down that tree. On the way, Satan met him in the form of an old man and asked him where he was going.  He said he was going to

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Prophet Yusuf

He was the son of Ya‘qub (Alayhis salam) and the grandson of Ishaaq (Alayhis salam). He was the next to youngest of twelve sons and a favorite of his father. One day he had a dream in which eleven planets, the sun, and the moon were bowing down in front of him. When his father learned of this vision, he interpreted it as meaning that Allah would prefer Yusuf (Alayhis salam), would teach him the interpretation of dreams, and would

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The Benefits of Bismillah

If we were to give an exhaustive account of the benefits of the recitation of “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” we would need more than a single volume to do justice to it. Apart from being part of every chapter in the Noble Qur’an (except the chapter of repentance – surah at-tawba), it is also the most often repeated verse in the Holy Qur’an. It is narrated in Tafseere Burhaan that the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) has said that when a

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Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar

Shaykh Husain [may Allah preserve him] was born in Chicago (USA) in 1972. After completing his primary education at schools in his hometown near Chicago, he joined the University of Chicago where he studied Biology, Arabic and Islamic Civilization. It was during this period that he began his study of sacred knowledge, studying Arabic grammar (nahw), Hanafi Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh under ulama (scholars) in Chicago. In 1994 Shaykh Husain also began training in tasawwuf (Islamic spirituality) under Shaykh Zulfiqar

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The Manners of Conversation

4.4 DISCUSSIONS AND DEBATES If you have trouble understanding some of what has been said in a meeting, restrain yourself until the speaker finishes. Gently, politely, and with proper introduction, ask for clarification. Do not interrupt a person’s talk. This is contrary to the proper manner of listening, and stirs up contempt. However, this is not the rule if the meeting is for study and learning. In such a case, asking questions and initiating a discussion is desirable if conducted

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Maulana Tariq Jamil

Maulana Tariq Jamil is a well known scholar from Pakistan.  He was born to a fudel lord (famous but unkown to us) and his parents had aspirations for him to become a doctor.  After matriculation (secondary school), he attended college in the city of Lahore.  Here he resided in hostel with some friends.  One of the residents would approach Maulana and talk to him about tabligh, however Maulana would kick him out of the room. There was also a disabled

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