
Be Active

Work and you will be strong; sit and you will stink. [Moroccan Proverb]

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The Ultimate Computer Virus

Shaitaan held a meeting one day, Furious as he watched the muslims in Ramadan pray, And he spoke at length of his ancient plans and dreams, And shouted long and hard emitting screams. If they go on at this rate, They’ll all enter Paradise through Rayyan’s gate, But I promised to lead the children of Aadam astray, This Ramadan thing’s clearly not going my way So one of his chained jinns looked up from the devilish herds, And said if

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The Manners of Conversation

4.1 SELECTING SUITABLE TOPICS In Sura Al-Haj, Allah described the believers ‘And they have been guided to the purest of speeches; and guided to the path of Him who is worthy of all praise.’ When you talk during your visit, say only what fits the situation and be brief. If you are the youngest among those sitting, don’t speak unless you are asked to, or unless you know that your speech and words will be well received and will please

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Shaykh Ebrahim Bham

Shaykh Ebrahim I. Bham is born and raised in South Africa. He has attained his masters in the Islamic sciences and theology under great traditional scholars. Shaykh Ebrahim I. Bham is known to be one of the most active scholars in South Africa for education, development, advocacy and interfaith. He has served in various capacities in South Africa at Newtown Islamic Institute, Al-aqsa Institute, Mayfair Jame Masjid, and Hamidia Masjid. He frequently travels the world for da’wah and lectures, including

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White Hair

عن عمرو بن شعيب عن أبيه عن جده عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: لا تنتفوا الشيب فإنه نور المسلم يوم القيامة  حديث حسن ‘Amr ibn Shu’ayb reported from his grandfather that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “Do not pluck out white hair. It will be the light of a Muslim on the Day of Rising.” [at-Tirmidhi]

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Our Children

This is the story of a Muslim named Mo. It’s a symbolic story that many of us may know. He was born in a Muslim family but they were weak in the deen. He was a lovely child, he was more precious then anything you’ve seen. He grew up so quick; it was just a flash before his parent’s eyes. They didn’t get to teach him about Islam. You know how the time just flies. Before they knew it, they

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Aim of Tasawwuf

Shaikh Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri (may Allah have mercy on him) said, ‘The aim and objective of spiritual path (sulook) is to make the heart of the seeker yearn for Allah’s pleasure similar to the body’s demand for food. That is, the desire to worship becomes similar to the craving for food and water. This can only happen when the heart is, – filled to the brim by the majesty and love of Allah and – empty from the desires of all

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A Pond of Milk

Once there was a king who told some of his workers to dig a pond. Once the pond was dug, the king made an announcement to his people saying that one person from each household has to bring a glass of milk during the night and pour it into the pond. So, the pond should be full of milk by the morning. After receiving the order, everyone went home. One man prepared to take the milk during the night. He

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The Light of Piety

Life is a matter of just a few days. Muster up some courage and do not fulfil your urge to sin. Make the urge of sin dry up in the rays of the sun of mujahadah (striving) just like how the sun in the sky dries up dung. If you do not fulfill the urge to sin, the light of taqwa will be created. But if a person does not allow the dung to dry up and lets the cattle

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Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat

Shaykh Saleem Dhorat Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat was born on the 7th of November 1962 in Bhoria; a small, rural village in India and from a very young age displayed the signs of piety, trustworthiness, zeal for knowledge and concern for humanity for which he is now well known. Shaykh Saleem Dhorat arrived in England in 1973 at the age of 11 with his mother and siblings to join his father, Hafiz Ibraheeem Dhorat rahmatullahi alayh. Shaykh’s father was serving

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