Rectifying others before oneself
“Beware of being preoccupied with rectifying others before you rectify yourself.” Mukhtasar Minhāj al-Qāsideen | Imām ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi [may Allāh have mercy on him]
Read more"Surely, the true religion in Allah's sight is Islam" (3:19)
“Beware of being preoccupied with rectifying others before you rectify yourself.” Mukhtasar Minhāj al-Qāsideen | Imām ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi [may Allāh have mercy on him]
Read moreاَللَّهُمَّ اِنَّا نَسۡتَعِيۡنُكَ وَنَسۡتَغْفِرُكَ وَنُؤۡمِنُ بِكَ وَنَتَوَكَّلُ عَلَيۡكَ وَنُثۡنِىۡ عَلَيۡكَ ٱلۡخَيۡرَ وَنَشۡكُرُكَ وَلَا نَكۡفُرُكَ وَنَخۡلَعُ وَنَتۡرُكُ مَنۡ يَّفۡجُرُكَ. اَللَّهُمَّ اِيَّاكَ نَعۡبُدُ وَلَكَ نُصَلِّئ وَنَسۡجُدُ وَاِلَيۡكَ نَسۡعٰى ونَحۡفِدُ ونَرۡجُوۡا رَحۡمَتَكَ وَنَخۡشٰى عَذَابَكَ اِنَّ عَذَابَكَ بِالۡكُفَّارِ مُلۡحِقٌٌ Allah humma inna nasta-eenoka wa nastaghfiruka wa nu’minu bika wa natawakkalu alaika wa nusni alaikal khair, wa nashkuruka wala nakfuruka wa nakhla-oo wa natruku mai yafjuruka, Allah humma iyyaka na’budu wa laka nusalli wa nasjud wa ilaika nas aaa wa nahfizu wa narju rahma taka
Read moreحَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى بْنُ يَحْيَى، وَقُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ، قَالَ قُتَيْبَةُ حَدَّثَنَا وَقَالَ، يَحْيَى أَخْبَرَنَا الْمُغِيرَةُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ الْحِزَامِيُّ، عَنْ أَبِي الزِّنَادِ، عَنِ الأَعْرَجِ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ “ إِذَا نَظَرَ أَحَدُكُمْ إِلَى مَنْ فُضِّلَ عَلَيْهِ فِي الْمَالِ وَالْخَلْقِ فَلْيَنْظُرْ إِلَى مَنْ هُوَ أَسْفَلَ مِنْهُ مِمَّنْ فُضِّلَ عَلَيْهِ ” Abu Huraira reported that Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: When one of you looks at one who stands at a higher level than you in regard
Read moreيَـٰٓأَهْلَ ٱلْكِتَـٰبِ لَا تَغْلُوا۟ فِى دِينِكُمْ وَلَا تَقُولُوا۟ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ إِلَّا ٱلْحَقَّ ۚ إِنَّمَا ٱلْمَسِيحُ عِيسَى ٱبْنُ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولُ ٱللَّهِ وَكَلِمَتُهُۥٓ أَلْقَىٰهَآ إِلَىٰ مَرْيَمَ وَرُوحٌۭ مِّنْهُ ۖ فَـَٔامِنُوا۟ بِٱللَّهِ وَرُسُلِهِۦ ۖ وَلَا تَقُولُوا۟ ثَلَـٰثَةٌ ۚ ٱنتَهُوا۟ خَيْرًۭا لَّكُمْ ۚ إِنَّمَا ٱللَّهُ إِلَـٰهٌۭ وَٰحِدٌۭ ۖ سُبْحَـٰنَهُۥٓ أَن يَكُونَ لَهُۥ وَلَدٌۭ ۘ لَّهُۥ مَا فِى ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٰتِ وَمَا فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ ۗ وَكَفَىٰ بِٱللَّهِ وَكِيلًۭا ١٧١ “O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes regarding your faith; say nothing about Allah except
Read moreAn emperor was coming out of his palace for his morning walk when he met a beggar. He asked the beggar, “What do you want?” The beggar laughed and said, “You are asking me as though you can fulfill my desire!” The king was offended. He said, “Of course I can fulfill your desire. What is it? Just tell me.” And the beggar said, “Think twice before you promise anything.” “I will fulfill anything you ask. I am a very
Read moreJazakallah for writing to us regarding your concerns about a brother who is an “absent husband and father”. I would like to deal with this matter at length as Muslims are challenged with many dilemmas and fitna from all directions. It is noble and commendable to serve Allah Ta’ala’s deen where and whenever possible. However, to serve one’s family and to be consciously involved in the upbringing of one’s children is a responsibility and duty every parent has (to fulfill).
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