
Towards a Goal

Working towards a goal we have set is in itself an achievement! It makes us people who are more likely to achieve great heights as opposed to those who live an aimless life, fulfilling whatever comes to their minds at each moment. Set yourself short, medium & long term objectives & remember that you will have to work tirelessly to achieve them! Always bear in mind the ULTIMATE goal is to attain the Pleasure of the Almighty! A single day

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Be Grateful

Luqman(A.S.) had great love for the Almighty, that it created within him high moral character and exemplary habits. This was a clear sign of his nobility and nearness to Allah. The details of that is described in Surah(Chapter) Luqman in the Glorious Qur’an. Luqman(A.S.) used to be in the employment of a rich man. The nobility of Luqman(A.S.)’s character had a great effect on his master, so much so that the master considered him as a great friend and a

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Remain Steadfast

We should not downgrade what we have, simply to follow what others are doing. Some people have a habit of adjusting their way of dressing, speaking, thinking, walking etc only because of what they have watched on the television or seen others do. If we are already on a higher level then we should not let go of the gift we have & we should believe firmly in ourselves & the virtue we have been blessed with. If we imitate

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I look around me It is not pleasing to see Brother and sisters casually freemixing Without a care for their sinning Lowly nafs they are obeying Not thinking about their inevitable ending Please step back and spare a thought About the day when the Almighty will ask what have you brought? Oh my fellow Muslim amend your way Before you become the devils prey Note: The above poem was written as a result of witnessing on a frequent basis the

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Help Me Respect You Mum

I adore you mum! So please help me fulfil your rights by fulfilling mine. Respecting my wife makes it much easier for us to respect you. I love you my wife! So help me fulfil your rights by fulfilling mine. Respecting my mother makes it much easier for me to respect you. Happily ever after. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Phones and Gadgets

Don’t be so proud of your latest phones and gadgets, for the only tool of communication which will save you are your prayers.

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Blame Culture

Some people will blame you for everything. When you advise them against something for their own good, they will say you are against them.  When you don’t advise them they will say you didn’t care for them.  When they still do it anyway and fail, they will blame you for their failure. In their eyes YOU will always be to blame, so don’t forget to pray for them over & above what you do for them. Mufti Ismail Menk

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A Message to University Graduates

Earlier this week I was part of a group that was invited to attend a University Graduation ceremony. Someone dear to me will also be graduating soon and some very good general advice was given at the ceremony I attended, so I decided to write this little message up to Muslim University Graduates. Graduation day is the culmination of 3-5 years of studying a particular subject in depth at degree level. You have spent these years studying because you realise

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Hazrat Maimoonah (R.A)

She was the daughter of Harith bin Hazan. Her original name was Barrah but she was later renamed Maimoonah by the Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) . She was first married to Abu Rahim bin Abdul Uzza. According to some reports, she was married twice before she became Ummul Mominin. She had been widowed lately when the Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) married her at Saraf, a place lying on his journey to Mecca for ‘Umrah in Zul

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3 Types of People to Pray For

Three categories of people we should pray for today & everyday. The deceased, the sick & the distressed. Mufti Ismail Menk

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