
How to Perform Wudu

The ahadaith mentioned/ referred to in the video.  Video courtesy of Hanafi Fiqh Youtube Channel. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “There is no wudu for him who does not mention Allah’s name upon it.” (Sahih – Ibn Maajah, At-Tirmithee, Abu Dawood, and others) Humran (RA) narrates that Uthman (RA) called for water to make wudu and washed his hands three times… then said, “I saw Rasoolullah (SAW) make wudu just as I have made wudu.” (Sahih – Al-Bukhari and Muslim) Prophet

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Time Ticks

Time ticks but we still don’t click, days go by yet we continue to lie, very strange how we still don’t change. Years pass but we fail. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Hazrat Safiyyah (R.A)

She was the daughter of Hayi, Who was a descendant of Hadhrat Harun (a.s) the brother of Moosa (a.s). She was first married to Salam bin Mishkam and then to Kinallah bin Abi Huqaiq at the time of Khevbar. Kinallah was killed in the battle and she was captured by the Muslims. Hadhrat Dahya Kalbi (Radhiyallaho anha) requested for a maid, and the Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) made her over to him. At this, the other Sahabah approached

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Real Beauty of a Muslimah

True strory told by Shaykh “Abdul Mohsen al Ahmad”, it happened in Abha (the capital of Asir province in Saudi Arabia). “After performing Salat Al Maghrib, she put her make-up, wore her beautiful white dress preparing herself for her wedding party, Then she heard the Adhan of ‘Ishaa and she realized that she broke her Wudu. She told her mother: “mother, I have to go to make wudu and pray ‘Ishaa.” Her mother was shocked : “Are you crazy?!! Guests

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Those who are jealous of others are contesting the Decision of the Almighty, dropping their faith to a very low level. The Almighty is the sole Decider as to who will have what amount in terms of wealth, health, knowledge, beauty, intellect, wisdom, contentment, success in every aspect of life etc. Nobody has a say in this Divine Decree! So when others are jealous of us, they are upset with the Almighty’s Decision and have primarily declared war against Him

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Hazrat Umme Habibah (R.A)

Hadrath Umme Habibah (Radhiyallaho anha): She was the daughter of Abu Sufyan, and was first married to Ubaidullah bin Jahsh in Mecca. The couple embraced Islam, and then emigrated to Abyssinia due to persecution by the Qureysh. One night she saw her husband (in a dream) in the most ugly and obnoxious form. The next day she came to know that he had turned Christian. She, however, remained a Muslim and was therefore separated from him. She was now all

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Hellfire by Shaykh Ahmad Ali Buy this talk if you can, very beneficial alhumdulillah.

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Indicator of Nisbat

One’s akhlaaq (character) is an indication of one’s nisbat (connection) with Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam). Shaykh Maulana Yunus Patel (rahmatullahi alayh)

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Rabiul Awwal

The month of Rabi’-Ul-Awwal is considered to be amongst the most special and significant months, because mankind was blessed with the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw). Regarding this special event Allah (swt) has stated in the Holy Quran “We have sent him (Muhammad saw) as a source of mercy for the A’alimeen (humans, jinns and all else that exists),” (Surah 21.Al- Anbiya: Verse 107). Muhammad (saw), the master of the prophets was born in the holy city of

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Hazrat Juwairiah bintul Harith (R.A)

Hadhrat Juwairiah (Radhiyallaho anha) was the daughter of Harith, the chief of Banu Mustaliq and was married to Musafe’ bin Safwan. She was one of the large number of captives who fell into Muslim hands after the battle of Muraisee’, and she was given to Hadhrat Thabit bin Qais (R.A). He offered to release her for 360 Dirhams. She came to the Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and said: “O, Prophet of Allah! I am the daughter of Harith

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