
Once in a Lifetime

Everyone was going on about 12.12.12 being once a lifetime date. Isn’t every single day once a lifetime, never to return? Mufti Ismail Menk Make use of each moment, day and opportunity to repent, do good and draw close to Almighty Allah.

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The Greatest Return

There are many great “returns” that people experience in their lives. The returning of a missing child, finding a very valuable lost item or a close family member returning home after spending many years overseas are some instances of a great return. These are moments of immense joy and happiness. The greatest “Return,” however, is when a sinful servant who had abandoned Allah Ta’ala and fallen into sin makes sincere taubah (which literally means “to return”) and returns to his

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Sultan Mahmood Ghaznawi and the Thieves

One night Sultan Mahmood Ghaznawi went walking among his subjects after taking off his royal clothes and putting on ordinary clothes. He chanced to come upon a group of thieves who were consulting amongst themselves. On seeing him they asked: “Who are you?” The King (Sultan) replied: “I am also one like yourselves.” They understood that to mean that he was also a thief like themselves and allowed him to join their company. They then continued the conversation amongst themselves

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“In reality, to take account of ourselves on an annual basis is not adequate. This is why the Mashā’ikh have advised that a person should do muhāsabah (self-assessment) daily. The method of making muhāsabah is to allocate time to ponder upon the actions carried out throughout the day. If good was done then thank Allāh and resolve to continue; and if sin was committed then repent and resolve to abstain from repeating the same in the future.”  Shaykh Muhammad Saleem

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Improve Our Condition

Whilst is heartwarming to see many using social networking beneficially, it saddens to see those using it detrimentally. Language used, pages liked, comments made, images displayed, type of friends or people followed, hobbies mentioned etc are all indicative of our condition. Let us all make an effort to improve our condition in this regard as there is always room for improvement – myself included. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Our T shirts are too short and trousers too long. Make sure to cover our sattar (awrah) and have our trousers not cover the ankle, not the other way around. Maulana Dawood Patel

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Hazrat Hafsah (R.A)

Hafsah was the daughter of ‘Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallaho anho) who was born in Makkah five years before the Nubuwwat. She was first married to Hadhrat Khunais bin Huzaifah (Radhiyallaho anho), who was one of the very early Muslims. He first emigrated to Abyssinia and then to Madinah. He participated in Badr, and was fatally wounded in Badr (or in Uhud) and died of the wound in the year l or 2 A. H. Hadhrat Hafsah (Radhiyallaho anha) had also emigrated

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Marriage – Half Your Deen

A talk on the subject of Marriage by Shaykh Ahmad Ali

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Allah is the Provider

Shaykh Sa’eed ibn Musfir narrates the following account: I was walking out of the Haram (the Ka’bah in Makkah) when I saw a man begging from everyone that passed by him. Just then a man who had parked his tinted Mercedes excessively close to the Haram in a designated VIP parking walked passed the beggar on his way to his car. As he pulled the keys out and the alarm did the ‘whup whup’, the beggar raised his finger to

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Nurturing Marital Love

Since marital love is prone to sickness and even death, it is imperative for couples to constantly work to revitalize and preserve it. Husbands and wives must do the following: 1. They have to get in the habit of saying things that are positive, like offering compliments and like making little prayers for each other. A husband could say to his wife: “If I were sent back to the days of my youth, I would not choose for a wife

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