
Virtues of attending Jumu’ah Salaah

Some virtues of attending the Jumu’ah prayer Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates that Nabi (SAW) said, ‘The sins are remitted between the five prayers, one Jumu’ah Salaah to another Jumu’ah Salaah and Ramadhaan to Ramadhaan as long as no major sins are committed.’ (Muslim) Abu Hurairah (RA) said that Nabi (SAW) said, ‘Whoever makes a perfect Wudhu, then attends the Jumu’ah proceedings, listens attentively to the sermon delivered and observes total silence, he will be pardoned until the next Jumu’ah Salaah,

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The Student in the Masjid

Qari Muhammad Qayyam (may the mercy of Allah be upon him) related that a great deal of fighting and bloodshed had started prior to theIndo-Pakistan partition of 1947. He said that a very beautiful daughter of a very rich man in a certain community stepped out of her house to visit her aunt, who lived no more than a few streets away. Suddenly a riot erupted as she had gone halfway and she found herself trapped withapparently nowhere to go.

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Power of Unity

The huge ocean is made up of minute droplets and the massive mountain of minute grains whereas singularly a droplet would evaporate and a grain would be blown away insignificantly! The power of unity is shown to us through almost everything around us but man still chooses to look for the smallest thing that divides. Singularly we are insignificant but together we can make the globe a better place. If we have ten differences, we will have a thousand common

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Follow Islam Completely

Don’ t approach the deen like it’s your iPod, picking and choosing what you want to listen to.  Follow Islam completely.

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Learn to Share

If we would like to achieve success and gain greater blessings in what we have or earn, we must learn to share whatever we have with others. The Almighty has a special Mercy upon those who share their possessions with others. Never let the heart be so deeply attached to wealth or other belongings because the day we are tested in those things, we will find it very difficult to overcome such tests or even to understand the wisdom in

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Four Traits

Imam Ghazali mentions in his Ihya’ that Imam Junaid said, “Four traits lift a person to the highest ranks, even if their works and knowledge are little: (1) Forbearance (hilm) (2) Humility (tawadu`) (3) Generosity (sakha’) (4) Good character (husn al-khuluq)–and this is the perfection of faith.” [Ghazali, Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din]

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One Bad Habit

Just one bad habit can destroy EVERYTHING we have in the most unpleasant way. Many of those on drugs have just ONE bad habit. If they cut it, they could transform into really lovely human beings. If they do not give up their drugs, they will tear their families apart, finances will crumble, health dwindles and life is totally wasted. Don’t ever do drugs and if u have, save your life & many others by quitting NOW! Mufti Ismail Menk

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Using Mobile Phones

Etiquettes of the Mobile Phone Islam has never been opposed to advancement. However, certain advancements are such that together with their benefits come much harm. Whilst mobile technology and the mobile phone in particular has revolutionised the way we live, it is important that we utilise such technology appropriately. Crude Manners It is important to realise that there are certain etiquettes of speaking on the phone. For example when calling someone, many people do not first ask the person they

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Imam Nawawi

IMAM NAWAWI [631 – 676 A.H] Birth and Birth place: The complete name of Imam Nawawi is Abu Zakaria Mohiuddin Yahya, son of Sharaf An-Nawawi, son of Murry, son of Hassan, son of Hussain, son of Muhammad, son of Juma, son of Hazam. Nawawi refers to Nawa, a place near Damascus, in the suburb of the city of Howran. One of his ancestors named Hazam had settled at this place. Imam Nawawi was born at Nawa in the year 631

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Support Your Child’s Religious Development

One of the saddest situations is when parents are not supportive of their children’s choice to become more serious about their religion citing that they are too young or any other excuse. Some go to the extent of threatening their children if they will try to increase in spirituality. This happens to spouses as well. Rather than discourage them, we should be very happy when they incline towards the Almighty in a bigger way than ourselves.  Perhaps our children and

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