

Assalam Alaykum, Just a quick message to say Jazakallah for all your duas for me and my family, some of you have left comments to this effect whilst others have just remembered us in their duas….  It is very much appreciated in what has been a tough few months. I shall be travelling soon, so things may quieten down a little here, but please take the time to browse the rest of the site and look at the older and

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Shah Wali-U Allah

Shah Wali-u Allah was born on 4th Shawwaal, 1114 / 21 February 1703 1703 at Phulat in Delhi. His ancestors had migrated from Arabia to Iran for reasons not known. Later on when the invasion of the Tatars caused widely spread terror and destruction in Iraq and Iran, the forefathers of the Shah are said to have migrated to India and found their settlement here at Rohtak village. His grandfather was a gallant soldier in the Mughal army and a

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The story of Shaykh Abdullah Al-Andalusi

This is a story filled with lessons and warning, anyone who is in a high position of academic activity or in Tasawwuf or in any other service of Deen will derive benefit and guidance from it. They will learn that it is of utmost importance for one to avoid thinking of others as being inferior to him. They should always remember the advice of Shaykh Shahabuddin Suhrawardi (rah), the spiritual guide of Shaykh Saadi (rah): “Never become self-conceited and never

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Coping with Failure and Loss

After having tried our best, our failure in examinations, in marriage, in a business or in any test is not the end of the world. Countess people have been there before us, picked up the pieces, tried again and succeeded. Some have even succeeded after many attempts and have gone a very long way thereafter. It is those who refuse to come to terms with reality who punish themselves by believing that such losses are eternal.This leads to their lives

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Flavour of Faith

It is related by Abbas bin Adbul Muttalib that he heard the Apostle of God say: “He tasted the flavour of Faith and experienced its sweetness who agreed with a truthful heart to accept God as His Cherisher, Islam as his religion, and Muhammad as his Prophet.” [Bukhari] Commentary: Just as all delicious foods posses a flavour but can be perceived only when one’s faculty of taste has not been lost or become perverted due to illness or any other

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Moderation in Human Relations

“Love your friend moderately lest he becomes your enemy one day, and hate your enemy moderately lest he becomes your friend one day!” Tirmidhi When we get extremely close to people and lower our guard by letting them know every detail of our life, trusting them with everything, a day can come when we regret because they can hold us ransom with what they know about us if the friendship is broken f…or some reason. At times we cannot correct

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Do Not Cause Harm to Others

At times our success, sustenance, contentment, etc is blocked or negatively affected due to a sin we are not giving up or a fellow human being we have harmed. This can even affect the mind, health & family too. Sometimes we hunt for the cause of our downfall, loss, frustrations or unhappiness yet it is glaring us in the face! Transgressing against the Almighty or causing harm and grief to a fellow human being cannot do us any good. If

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Pediatricians ban TV for Toddlers

As if its not already obvious the harm and detriment the TV causes to children and adults.  I still thought it would be good to share this article I came accross a little while back. by David Burke A policy statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics has made clear what many parents have suspected for a long time: Television is bad for young children. In the Academy’s journal Pediatrics the report’s authors write: “Pediatricians should urge parents to avoid

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Perfection in conduct and character should be an aspiration for the self Not a standard by which we measure others against.

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Respect for Women wearing Hijab at Olympics

Extract of an article from the Guardian by Naomi Alderman The Greeks, as we all know, used to compete in the original Olympic games stark naked and smothered in olive oil. That’s no longer the fashion – because we have different cultural ideas about what parts of the body are suitable for public display – and, in fact, some women have taken the trend for Olympic modesty one stage further. This year, several women, including Egyptian fencer Shaimaa El Gammal and Bahraini

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