
True Devotee

The most distinguished qualities of a true devotee of Allah are that he keeps his secret concealed, his self safe from sins and performs his duties towards Allah with full responsibility. Hazrat Royam bin Mohammad

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Taraweeh Summary

Insha’Allah, the summary for the portion of Qur’an recited in Taraweeh Salaah each night will be posted up here.

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100 Pre Marital Questions

Premarital Questions These pre marital questions are to help couples get to know each other to help determine suitability and compatibility for marriage.  Pre marital questions provide clarity and insight into the person your are considering to marry and will insha’Allah increase your confidence and trust in making the right choice. These pre marital questions are not to be used as a list to work down in entirety, but used selectively should be a very useful tool in your quest

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Pre-Marital Relations

May Allah bless Shaykh who has with his advices saved many young men and women from committing fornication before marriage, by pointing out the whole truth in such a manner that the youth of today find it palatable and adhere to his advices. Once Shaykh very candidly called out to the youth of the community: “When young men and women date with each other (before marriage), they think that by doing this I am going to get to know the

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Key Advice for the Newly Wed

Based on the advices of Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat prepared by Brother Aslam Patel “You have never seen anything better than marriage for those who love.” (Ibne Mãjah) Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat dãmat barakãtuhum advises: 1. Every action is dependant upon intention. When marrying, both partners should therefore make a firm intention to accomplish the following objectives: Following the Sunnah of our beloved Nabee Muhammad s. Safeguarding oneself from sins. Parenting pious children. 2. When marrying, each becomes the other’s

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Marriage Breakdown

Nowadays, the general trend governing marriages is that the husband views his responsibility towards his family as being a purely materialistic one i.e. to provide financially for them (a house, car, clothes, etc). This attittude is resulting in many marriages breaking down since many husbands are seriously deficient in not spending sufficient time with their families – in communicating and interacting with the family and children. Islam presents a different view of the role of the husband, where he is

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Ma’ariful Qur’an

Ma’ariful-Qur’an Online FOREWORD by Justice Maulana Muhammad Taqi Usmani Ma’ariful-Qur’an is the name of a detailed Urdu commentary of the Holy Qur’an written by my father Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi’. He was one of the eminent scholars who served as a professor and as a grand Mufti of Darul-Uloom Deoband, the well-known university of the Islamic Sciences in the sub-continent of India. In 1943, he resigned from Darul-Uloom, due to his active involvement in the Pakistan movement, and when Pakistan

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Welcome to Haq Islam!

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, Welcome to Haq Islam, a website created to bring together the many resources and websites available online regarding Islam in one single place. We also provide some beneficial reading material and with time we will add more and more to the site, Insha-Allah, but we ask that you: make du’a that Allah accepts the efforts of all involved with Haq Islam and grants us the ability to improve it remain patient should any part

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Muslim Beliefs

The religion of a Muslim is called Islam. Muslim beliefs/ faith of the religion in a nutshell are given below. Muslim beliefs in Allah – the one and only almighty God, Lord and Creator. Him we trust and Him alone we fear. Muslims believe in the angels created by Allah. We know them even though they are not visible to us. They are the obedient servants of Allah and they carry out all His orders. Muslims believe that the words which Allah revealed to

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