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Bi Safiyyah – Mother of Maulana Ilyas Dehlvi

Bi Saffiyah was an excellent reciter and memoriser of the Holy Qur’an. She had memorised the Holy Book during her son Yahya’s suckling and she had a command on memory that few could stand to contest. She had the habit of going through the Qur’an Al-Majid once daily during the month of Ramadan and thus would complete 30 repititions of the Noble Book. It was also her practice to perform the household duties and the recitation simultaneously. Her daily practice other than Ramadan was that she would recite:

and, moreover she would recite some part of the Holy Qur’an.
Source: Leading Ladies, who made a difference in the lives of others

Subhanallah such an amazing example of a Pious Woman from Modern history, not only did she engage in Dhikr of Allah, but she would also fulfill her household chores and reared her children with an islamic upbringing. May Allah give us the ability to tread in the footsteps of our pious predecessors, generate the love of Allah in our hearts, obtain nearness to our Lord and live our lives in accoradance to the Shariah. Ameen

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