
10 Tips to prepare for Ramadhan 

10 Beneficial Tips to Prepare for Ramadhan by Shaykh Abdul Raheem hafizahullah 1. To fast some days in the month of Sha’baan This will get you in the system, and then fasting will become easy. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam used to fast in the month of Sha’baan perpetually. 2. Sincere tawba & Istighfaar It cleanses the heart so the NOOR and Barakah of Ramadhan can enter the heart 3. Pray We should start praying 5 times a day with

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Six Dos and Don’ts of Ramadhan

6 Do’s and 6 don’ts of Ramadhan: 1. Do perform Salah with showq, zeal. Fardh with first takbeer, Taraweeh full 20 Rak’ats , tahajjud, Sunnate muakkadah and nawaafil with punctuality. (Ladies should try to pray Salah at home and in the beginning time, don’t delay till end time) 2. Do keep all fasts properly; Don’t miss a single fast. Don’t break any fast. Learn masaail of sawm. 3. Do calculate zakat and give it properly. Give nafil sadaqah. Be generous.

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Prepare for Ramadan

Prepare for Ramadan Many of us have been counting the days remaining up to the holy month of Ramadan. Five days, four, three, two and the next thing you know here it is. For a believer the name of this month “Ramadan” gives the thought of joy, rewards and a feeling of Allah’s mercy. Truly, this is a season that should be awaited for. Anticipations and emotions for this month are not sufficient. This holy month requires action and activity.

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Preparing for Ramadan

When we know we are to attend a wedding, we begin to plan and prepare from days and even weeks in advance. We pay much attention to detail so that we arrive to the function on time, are dressed up smartly with clean/ new shoes, have organised a place to stay, eat carefully so as not to ruin our clothing and so on. In a similar way we prepare and plan for other important events, functions, interviews etc. However, when

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Dua against All Illnesses

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Dua for protection from harm

O Allah keep me safe and others safe from me.

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Dua for protection from coronavirus

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Islamic Guidelines on Pandemics & Epidemics

10 Islamic Guidelines on Pandemics and Epidemics by Mufti Faraz Adam 1. Quarantine The Prophet encouraged quarantine:“Do not put a sick one (animal) with a healthy one (animal)” (Sahih al-Bukhari)“If you hear that a plague has hit a land, do not go to it; if it breaks out in a land where you are present, do not leave” (Bukhari) 2. Hygiene & Disinfecting The Prophetic practice which Muslims are recommended to follow are full of hygienic practices:a. Washing hands upon

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Flight Janazah

AsSalaam WaAlaykum WaRehmatullah WaBarkaatuhu Welcome aboard Fly Air Janazah When we are leaving this world for the next one, it shall be like a trip to another country. Where details of that country won’t be found in glamorous travel brochures but in the Holy Qura’an and the Hadiths. Where our plane won’t be Indian Air Lines, British Airways, Gulf Air or Emirates but Air Janazah. Where our luggage won’t be the allowed 30 Kgs but our deeds no matter how

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Dua for Strengthening Memory

Dua for Strengthening Memory: Glorified are You. We do not know except what you have taught us. Surely you are all-knowing, all-wise. My Lord, expand for me my Bosom and ease for me my task and remove the knot from my tongue (speech) so that they may understand my speech. My Lord increase me in knowledge. O Allah, fill my heart with light and increase the strength of my hearing, my sight and my memory.

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