
Ramadan – Nourishment of the Soul

#Ramadan #Quran

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Advices on Ramadan

Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat gives us some inspirational advice on how to spend our Ramadhan.

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Making the Best in Ramadan

By Shaikh M. Ibrahim Memon The Holy month of Ramadan is a great opportunity for all believers to reestablish their relationship with Almighty Allah . During this month, Allah opens the doors of guidance, mercy, and forgiveness and showers His blessings on mankind. Blessed are those who avail this opportunity and work hard to obtain the pleasure of Allah . Following are some points to remember that may help us have a better Ramadan: Sahoor: Rasulullah said, “Allah sends blessings

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Value Ramadan

Very good reminder of valuing time! May Allah give us Barakah in time & the ability to value our most precious asset Via: Shaykh Abdul Raheem

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Why Religious Fasting Could Be Good for Your Brain

By Andrea Useem | September 17, 2008 http://pokedandprodded.health.com Ramadan is in its third week now, and the required dawn-to-dusk fasting often feels like a daily mini–marathon. By late afternoon, hunger and thirst have sucked me dry, leaving me sleepy, slow-minded, and sometimes short-tempered. I know that the purpose of fasting is spiritual—God will reward us in the next life—but in this lifetime, fasting sometimes makes me an ineffective, irritable person. So I was excited to learn that Harvard psychiatrist John

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The Wonderful Status of I’tikaaf

by Hazrat Muhammad Farouq Sahib Fulfil one’s I’tikaaf in such a Masjid wherein the five daily Salaah is offered. A Masjid in terms of the Shariah. By means of this act Allah Ta’ala has granted us solitude while in a gathering. What more can be said! Two Haj and two Umrah, by means of a single days I’tikaaf, how far is one removed from Jahannum? A distance of five hundred years. Brothers! What we all desire and need is to

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Ramadhan 24 Hour programme

Hereunder we suggest a 24-hour programme for the month of Ramadhan. It is an example of spending our time correctly. The programme starts from Maghrib till Maghrib the following day. Read: “O You who are Great in Bounties, forgive me”, as many times as possible before Iftar. Make du’a 5 to 10 minutes before Iftar. The du’a of a fasting person is readily accepted at this time. Make Iftar quickly. Thereafter perform Maghrib (for men with Jamat and for women

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Dua for Suhur

When beginning the fast – Suhur (sehri) بِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Ramadan. Transliteration: Bi-sawmi ghadin nawaytu min shahri ramadan There is no special Du’aa to begin the fast. You can make the Niyyat in your own language e.g. O Allah I am fasting tomorrow for you. So make it easy for me and accept it from me. The du’aa provided here is an example. Niyyat means

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The 1400 Year History of Taraweeh Salaah

Amongst the special Ibaadah of the month of Ramadhaan are the fasts and the Taraweeh salaah. The information below will be dedicated to the history of the number of Rakaahs of Taraweeh that have always been performed in the two holy Harams. The Taraweeh Salaah During the Time of Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Saheeh Muslim reports a hadith from Hadhrat Aaisha (رضى الله عنها) that when (during Ramadhaan) Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) once performed the Taraweeh salaah in

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Ramadan Checklist

Ramadan Mubarak to you all for whenever you commence this blessed month. If you want to download a simple Ramadan Checklist please click the link below. Ramadan Checklist Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions on how to improve the checklist, jazakallah. Please remember me in your duas. Wasalam Back to Ramadan Menu

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