
Shaykhah Shuhdah, Fakhr-un-Nisa

Fakhr-un-Nisa was daughter of a distinguished scholar, Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn ‘Umar Al-Abri. She herself was an illustrious Hadith scholar and a skilful calligraphist. She was born in 484H in the Iranian city of Denvar. She had her early studies from her father and learnt calligraphy from him. She achieved perfection in the art, driving the master calligraphist of the time appreciate her. She received learning of Hadith and studied other branches of knowledge under the guidance of the reputed

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Bibi Karimah bint Ahmad Maruzi

She had been a world reputed scholar in fifth century Hijrah. She was daughter of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Hatam. She was born in Iranian town of Merv. She studied theology for years and learnt Ahadith from great scholars. She went to Makkah after having been qualified to narrate Hadith. She commenced delivering Dars at Makkah. The noted Muhaddith of Muslim Spain, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Sabaq Saqli was a devoted learner from her. He, after the Muslim rule

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Aminah Ramlyah

Aminah Ramlyah is regarded a member of the learned elite of the time and one of great mystics of second and third century Hijrah. She was born about 163 H in Ramla, a suburb of Baghdad. She was very intelligent and had longing to attain knowledge since early childhood. But her parents were very poor so they could not do enough for her education. Only, which she could have, was, what more or less available at home. When she grew

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