
Ruqayyah (r.a)

RUQAYYAH (r.a) – DAUGHTER OF MUHAMMAD (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Ruqayyah (R.A.) was Rasulullah’s (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) second daughter. She was married to Utba the son of Abu Lahab. Abu Lahab was the uncle of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) but had become his violent enemy and of Islãm and its followers. Both father and son did not enter into Islãm and Utba repudiated Ruqayyah (R.A.) on the incitement of his father. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) gave Ruqayyah (R.A.) in marriage

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Zaynab (R.A.)

ZAYNAB (r.a) – DAUGHTER OF MUHAMMAD (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Zaynab (R.A.) was the eldest of the four daughters of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Zaynab (R.A.) was married to Abdul As ibn Rabi, who was also the first cousin of Zaynab (R.A.), son of Khadija’s (R.A.) sister Hala. After Prophethood her husband did not accept Islãm and the leaders of his clan put great pressure upon him to divorce her and in return promised him to arrange the bride of his

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Imam Nawawi

IMAM NAWAWI [631 – 676 A.H] Birth and Birth place: The complete name of Imam Nawawi is Abu Zakaria Mohiuddin Yahya, son of Sharaf An-Nawawi, son of Murry, son of Hassan, son of Hussain, son of Muhammad, son of Juma, son of Hazam. Nawawi refers to Nawa, a place near Damascus, in the suburb of the city of Howran. One of his ancestors named Hazam had settled at this place. Imam Nawawi was born at Nawa in the year 631

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Shah Wali-U Allah

Shah Wali-u Allah was born on 4th Shawwaal, 1114 / 21 February 1703 1703 at Phulat in Delhi. His ancestors had migrated from Arabia to Iran for reasons not known. Later on when the invasion of the Tatars caused widely spread terror and destruction in Iraq and Iran, the forefathers of the Shah are said to have migrated to India and found their settlement here at Rohtak village. His grandfather was a gallant soldier in the Mughal army and a

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Imam ibn Majah

Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Majah (r.a) – [209 – 273 A.H.] Imam Ibn Majah was born in the city of Qazvin in the northern Persian province of Dailam. After gaining ahadith from the many great religious scholars of his city, he travelled to seek knowledge at the young age of 21. Imam Ibn Majah is said to have visited Basrah, Kufah, Baghdad, the Hijaz, Makkah, Syria and Egypt to hear and gather ahadith. Amongst his teachers were Jabbara ibn al

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Abu Dawud

Sulaiman ibn al-Ash’ath (Abu Dawud) (r.a) – [202 – 275 A.H.] Abu Dawud was born in Sijistan. Little is known about his early life, but that he travelled to many regions and cities to hear and collect ahadith from many different scholars. Abu Dawud is also a distinguished Faqih as well as a Muhaddith. His knowledge of hadith is confirmed by the fact that he had amassed 500,000 ahadith, 5,400 of which he selected for Sunan Abu Dawud. Hakim at-Tirmidhi

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Caliph Uthman

LIFE BEFORE ACCEPTANCE OF ISLAM Hadrat Uthman (R.A.) belonged to a noble family of Quraish in Mecca. His ancestral pedigree joins with that of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam) in the fifth generation. He was from the “Umayyah” family of Quraish, which was a well reputed and honourable family of Mecca during the pre-Islamic days. In the famous battle of “Fajar” the Commander-in-Chief of the Quraish army, Harb bin Umayyah was from the same family. The descendants of

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Caliph Umar

LIFE BEFORE ISLAM Umar (R.A.) belonged to “‘Adi” family of Quraish tribe. In the 8th generation, his lineage joins with the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam). Abu Hafs was his patronymic name and “al-Faruq” his title given by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam). He was born in 583 A.C., about forty years before the great Hijrah. The early life of Hadrat Umar is not known in detail. In his youth he was a famous wrestler and orator,

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Abu Bakr

NAME AND PARENTAGE OF HADRAT ABU BAKR(R.A.) Hadrat Abu Bakr, as-Siddiq, (R.A.) was born in 573 A.D. at Makkah. Thus he was two years younger than the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam). He belonged to a respectable and noble family, the Bani Tamim, a branch of Quraish Tribe. His lineage joins with that of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) six generations before. His name was Abdullah. Abu Bakr was his patronymic name (or Kuniyah) which became so

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Mufti Siraj Saleh

Hazrat Mufti Siraj Saleh sahib was born in Surat Lohara, India in 1970. At the age of 15, he completed hifz of the Holy Qur’an. He then went on to study Qiraat, and qualified as an Alim from Randair Jamia Husainia in the year 1993. After receiving authorisation in various books, including the six major books of Ahadith. He went on to teach at Jamiah Qasimiya Khorooq where he taught many Kutub (books) of Fiqh and Hadith. In 1994, he

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