
Muslim Scholars on Voting

I consider Muslim political participation, especially in a non-Muslim country, as a form of jihad, This is our country and it would be foolish not to participate in the political processes which eventually shape our future and that of Islam. I support marching in the streets to raise awareness about certain issues. However, if we really want to change the status-quo then we have to influence those who walk the corridors of power. Muslims need not only to vote but

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Eid Mubarak

May Allah accept all our good actions, forgive our shortcomings and shower His blessings upon you and your family on this blessed day of Eid. Eid Mubarak

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New Years Eve

NEW YEAR’S EVE AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT MESSAGEHadhrat Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri Sahib damat barakatuhum (Shaykhul Hadeeth, Jami’ah Islamiyyah Dabhel) Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh My young brothers!The wrongs that others engage in on New Year’s Eve have now entered our Muslim society. We must save ourselves from them at all costs. Many of these wrongs are of such a nature that they can take one out of the fold of Islam. Hence, I request my young brothers in particular: save

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The Sunnahs of Eid

1. To awaken earlier than usual 2. To brush the teeth with Miswaak 3. To have a bath (Ghusl) 4. To be well dressed in an Islamic manner 5. To be dressed in one’s best clothes (Doesn’t necessarily have to be new) Note: Care should be taken that we do not incur debts or transgress the limits of modesty on the clothes we purchase and wear on Eid day as is seen in Muslim communities of today. Many of our

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Sex During Ramadhan

Salaam, Is it permissible for husband and wife to have sex or even foreplay during Ramadhan period, If not, what should one do to aviod this from happening even when sleeping apart is not possible. jazakallah Answer In the Name of Allah, the Inspirer of Truth.Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Sexual relations including foreplay between husband wife are only forbidden for the duration of the fast, not for the duration of Ramadhan.Foreplay such as as kissing etc is not forbidden during

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Umrah Checklist

UMRAH CHECK LIST – TOURIST VISADATE : 18/11/21 If you have any questions you may email – ask@visitsaudi.com. As updates occur regularly its best to contact them with any questions. Ensure You are Double Vacinated for Covid. Check with “Ask@ VisitSaudi” to see which vaccines are recognised in Saudi. Current Approved Vaccines : Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J (administered at least 14 days prior to arrival). Sinopharm or Sinovac Vaccines : Additional dose of any of the above 4 main

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Spiritual Retreat 13 & 14 February 2021

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University of Tabuk mosque

Key Features: A large dome covered in mosaics no columns throughout two minarets with 50 metre height 3,500 worshipper capacity total mosque area 8000 sq meters The architecture of the University of Tabuk mosque is a blend between the arts of Islamic civilization and the aesthetics of modern architecture. At the same time, its unique design is in conformity with the rules of structural engineering — in the form of a large dome without any columns, making it an architectural

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Ibn Sina – quarantine

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Tips for muslims using social media

Hereunder follow a brief set of tips for using social media with caution and good manners. Be wary of sharing messages before verifying its authenticity. It is all too easy to forward on Whatsapp messages without taking time to validate if it is true or not. As well as ruining lives this can hurt the feelings of family and friends in the community. The Prophet (peace & blessings upon him) said, “ it is sufficient for a person to be considered a

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