
Jumuah Salah

Very emotional jumuah salah in Masjid Nabawi by Sheikh Ahmed Taleb Hameed

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Cleaning the Holy Masjid-Makkah

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Friday sermon – Al Noor masjid

The Muslim call to prayer sounded out over Christchurch and around New Zealand on Friday, as thousands gathered to remember the 50 people killed by a lone gunman at two mosques a week ago. Following is the text of the sermon given by Imam Gamal Fouda of the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch. First Sermon (Khutbah): Last Friday I stood in this mosque and saw the hatred and the rage in the eyes of the terrorist who killed and martyred

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Suits v Burqa

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As the Eid Greetings start…

Beware… As your phone goes into meltdown with Eid greetings, and as you rush around to prepare for Eid tomorrow beware of this distraction that robs you of the final precious hours of Ramadan. Make time even if a little between now and maghrib to cut off all distractions, turn to Allah and make heartfelt duas for Him to accept your Ramadan and save you from disgrace on the day of Judgement and the hellfire and to enter you into

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Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak to all my brothers & sisters. May Allah ﷻ bless you all in abundance Ameen.

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Asking forgiveness from friends on the night of salvation

MAS’ALA ON ASKING FORGIVENESS FROM FRIENDS ON SHABE BARA’AH (THE NIGHT OF SALVATION) By Shaykh Abdul Raheem hafizahullah There are texts going around asking people for forgiveness. Here are four points to take into account: 1) The tongue should always be kept under control. Dont hurt anyone. Keep the heart clean. If it’s clean then there’s no need to ask forgiveness from people. Hadith 1: ‘Dont say something for which you would have to apologise the next day. Remember! The

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Dhikr on the Road

Imagine if you recited 100 durood each day in the car, over the year this would equate to 36,500!

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Sandstorm in Makkah

O Allah Protect and keep safe those who are gathered for Hajj, ameen. #Makkah #sandstorm

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Free Minutes

Its been a while since I have posted anything written up by myself but unfortunately with study, family and work there just seems to be little time to sit down and think.  Anyway, I started this post a long time ago but never got around to completing and publishing it.  I will share the post as it is with a few amendments to it here and there in the hope that I, and yourselves can benefit from it. Whilst I

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