
Punishment of the Grave

This is an extract from Lesson 183 of the commentary of al Tajrid al Sarih (The Abridged Saheeh al Bukhari) by Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq Delivered on Friday 8th February 2008 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester. Every Friday.

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Chosen Bondsmen

It is narrated by M’aad bin Jabal that when the Apostle of God sent him to Yemen, he gave him this advice: “O M’aad”, he said, “Avoid luxury. The chosen bondsmen of the Lord are not ease-loving and self-indulgent.” -Musnad-i-Ahmad Commentary: Though it is not forbidden to lead a life of ease and luxury, it does not befit the worthy bondmen of the Lord. They would better abstain from it. O Lord! There is no joy other than the joy

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Company of the Pious

O Muslims, make it a point to sit with your elders, to seek clarification from the learned and to remain in contact with wise people. Tabarani

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Demonstrating Love for Allah

Hajj is a demonstration of love for Allah. The flavour of love which permeates the acts of Hajj distinguishes it from other Ibaadat. Thus those who posses love for Allah is deficient, it will be strengthened by their engagement in the acts of love which belong to the Ibaadat of Hajj. Love for Allah established in the heart will solidify one’s Deen. The presence of love for Allah in the heart establishes one’s Deen on a firm basis. Hajj is

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Consistency in Deeds

“The best of deeds are those carried out regularly even if they are little deeds. ” – Hadith Never underestimate the reward of punctuality upon a small deed that is very easy to fulfill or achieve. Regularity or punctuality upon little deeds, is much more rewarding than huge deeds that are not fulfilled except haphazardly. Do not be from those who have a tendency to start off something really good, but give up after a while. Be strong and keep

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Meeting another Muslim with a cheerful countenance

When one Muslim meets another he should confront him with a smile and cheerful countenance and physically express his delight in meeting him. This will entail a fortification of love and affection between them. If you confront a grieved person with a cheerful countenance, you might just allay his grief or at least pacify him. A person feels unrestrained in expressing himself if he is confronted cheerfully thereby aiding him in fulfilling his needs. Hadhrat Abu Dhar (رضى الله تعالى

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Flavour of Faith

It is related by Abbas bin Adbul Muttalib that he heard the Apostle of God say: “He tasted the flavour of Faith and experienced its sweetness who agreed with a truthful heart to accept God as His Cherisher, Islam as his religion, and Muhammad as his Prophet.” [Bukhari] Commentary: Just as all delicious foods posses a flavour but can be perceived only when one’s faculty of taste has not been lost or become perverted due to illness or any other

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Moderation in Human Relations

“Love your friend moderately lest he becomes your enemy one day, and hate your enemy moderately lest he becomes your friend one day!” Tirmidhi When we get extremely close to people and lower our guard by letting them know every detail of our life, trusting them with everything, a day can come when we regret because they can hold us ransom with what they know about us if the friendship is broken f…or some reason. At times we cannot correct

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Importance of Good Manners

1.It is related by Abdullah Ibne Amr radhiyallahu anhu that the Apostle of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: “The best of you are those who possess the best of manners.” Bukhaari and Muslim 2.Abu Hurayrah radhiyallahu anhu related to us that the Apostle of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: “Muslims who possess better morals are the most perfect in Faith”. Abu Dawood and Daarami 3.It is related by Abu Dardaa radhiyallahu anhu, that the Apostle of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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Walking to the Mosque in the Dark

Burayda reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “Give good news to those who walk to mosques in the dark that they will have full light on the Day of Rising.” [Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi]

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