
The Sunnahs of Eid

1. To awaken earlier than usual 2. To brush the teeth with Miswaak 3. To have a bath (Ghusl) 4. To be well dressed in an Islamic manner 5. To be dressed in one’s best clothes (Doesn’t necessarily have to be new) Note: Care should be taken that we do not incur debts or transgress the limits of modesty on the clothes we purchase and wear on Eid day as is seen in Muslim communities of today. Many of our

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Continuous Professional Development

Recently a colleague was mentioning that each year he had to make a declaration to his professional body, that he has undertaken through the year CPD (Continuous Professional Development) activity to fulfill a requirement in order to enhance and maintain a certain skills and knowledge level. It is widely believed that these skills and knowledge kept up to date would equip a person to carry out their duties and responsibilities well. Why am I even mentioning the above? Well it

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The Five Pillars of Islam

In this current day and age it is often easy to overlook many customary traditions and etiquette taught to us based around our beliefs and culture; where some Muslim’s are traditional and have certain old-fashioned morals set in stone, there are also others which tend to go along with the current times. With so many opinions and theories based around what a good Muslim should and shouldn’t do, be it extreme or otherwise, many of us often tend to overlook

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Digging for the Red Roots

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Muharram and Ashura

MUHARRAM is the first month of the Islamic calendar. Muharram means “Forbidden.” Even before Islam, this month was always known as a scared month in which all unlawful acts were forbidden, prominently the shedding of blood. It is one of the four sanctified months about which Allah Ta’ala says: “The number of months in the sight of Allah are twelve, so ordained by Allah, the day He created the heavens and the earth; Of them four are sacred. That is

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Correct Yourself First Before Asking Others

WE SEE FREQUENTLY PEOPLE COMPLAINING ABOUT RAMPANT EVIL PRACTICES, degradation of society, onslaught of vulgarity and obscenity etc. This is generally followed by sermons on righteous path that has been neglected for a long time. In brief it has become our national characteristic to find faults without looking for their remedies in right earnest. What is unfortunate and disconcerting is the perception and treatment of the problem. Every one joins in and contributes his/her bit by making one remark or

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7 Precious Advices regarding Recent Events

by Shaykh-al-Hadith, Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullah During these critical times, the Muslims should observe the following: 1. With love and reverence, carefully study the beautiful life of our beloved Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam from authentic reliable sources. 2. Frequently make mention of this beautiful life to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. 3. Distribute leaflets and booklets which cover aspects of this great life far and wide. 4. Give place to his illuminating teachings in your daily life so that others

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The Greatest Return

There are many great “returns” that people experience in their lives. The returning of a missing child, finding a very valuable lost item or a close family member returning home after spending many years overseas are some instances of a great return. These are moments of immense joy and happiness. The greatest “Return,” however, is when a sinful servant who had abandoned Allah Ta’ala and fallen into sin makes sincere taubah (which literally means “to return”) and returns to his

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How to Apologise

Those who do not really want to apologize for the wrong they have done choose words that make it seem to be an apology yet it is not. “I am sorry for how you felt” is neither an admission of guilt nor an apology for what was done. It is more like saying, “What I did was correct but how you felt was wrong.” The same applies to those who “apologize for how you reacted”. Is it not foolish to

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Spending on the Family on 10 Muharram

<QUESTION> I would like to know whether spending on one’s family on the 10th of Muharram is an authenticated practice. If this is so, is it recommended to spend specifically on food and drink or will general gifts suffice. Also could these gifts be bought in advance with the intention of spending on one’s family on the 10th of Muharram? <ANSWER> In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, There are two types of narrations related in this regard.

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