
Focus on yourself

If you find yourself & your conversation focusing on people; what’s going on in their lives, their relationships, their social status etc, then you have a serious problem on your hand. You need to get out of that mould; focus on yourself rather than being concerned with others.

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Desiring Allah

There is no person who desires Allah sincerely and Allah deprives him. That could never happen. Maulana Dawood Seedat

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Yearning to meet the Beloved

When a couple are engaged, they count down the days to the wedding.  The closer it is, the more they think about it. Similarly, when death draws closer, a pious servant of Allah ﷻ desires to meet Him. It’s constantly on his mind.  He yearns for the meeting with the Beloved; his Lord! Maulana Muhammad Adam

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Allah has the Power

No matter how dark it looks right now, Allah has the power to lighten up any darkness in your life. Always remember, If Allah can turn night into day, then surely Allah can turn the darkness of your life into happiness & prosperity, place our complete trust in Allah The Almighty! Maulana Imtiyaz Sidat

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Make Your Day Blessed

If you suffer from a lack of time during the day Make room for reciting the Qur’an It doesn’t take out time from your day, it blesses it!

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Deeds being weighed

On the day of Judgement our deeds will be weighed not counted, because Allah is looking for quality, not quantity. Maulana Dawood Seedat

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Jealousy is ugly

Be happy for the accomplishment of others instead of belittling them or trying to one-up them. Jealousy is ugly. Try to keep a clean heart! Maulana Imtiyaz Sidat

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Cure for jealousy

If you feel jealous (hasad) towards someone, make a lot of dua for them that Allah ﷻ blesses them even more (cure for jealousy) Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Adam

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Addiction makes us (falsely) believe that we cannot live without it (drugs, fornication, porn, gambling etc) while piety and “Taqwa” makes us wonder how did we live with it ? Shaykh Suleiman Moola

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Treasure Good Friends

It’s so beautiful to see when a friend helps us practise the deen, if we have friends who bring us closer to Allah The Almighty, treasure them. Never keep friendships that create a distance between us and Allah The Almighty, always try to surround ourselves with good people! Maulana Imtiyaz Sidat

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