

​Happiness and bliss is guaranteed for the greatful individual, while misery and depression is inevitable for the ungrateful one.  Shaykh Sulaiman Moola

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Man has 2 Standing

​Ibn Qayyim Man has two standings; in Salah & in qiyamah before Allah The 2nd will be according to the 1st Focus on the 1st, the 2nd will ease. 

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Allah Loves the Good Doers

​Amazing advice by the great theologian and philosopher, Ibn Al-Qayyim: ra “A friend will not (literally) share your struggles, and a loved one cannot physically take away your pain, and a close one will not stay up the night on your behalf. So look after yourself, protect it, nurture it. And don’t give life’s events more than what they are really worth. Be certain that when you break, no one will heal you except you, and when you are defeated,

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During Dhikr

During Dhikr, a thought came to my mind that Allah is our real friend, and a friend never abandons…. So how will Allah ever abandon us?? Yes! We need to make friends with Allah first. We have made friends with everyone but Allah,  including Iblees mal’oon, (naoozu billah). We need to give up all that and make friendship with Allah, then see how Allah’s kind attention is attracted towards us. والله ولي المتقين الله ولي الذين آمنوا  وهو يتولي الصالحين

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“Dhikr is a tree with fruits of awareness; The more frequent the dhikr is made, the stronger the roots of a tree and the more fruits on it.” Shaykh Abdul Raheem Limbada

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Blame Game

We tend to attribute our  miseries to others by playing the “Blame Game” yet we fail to recognise the role of others in our achievements. Shaykh Sulaiman Moola

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Implementing Knowledge

I have been in hard worship for 30 years, but I didn’t find anything more difficult than being practical about one’s knowledge. Hazrat Abu Yazid Bustami

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Weak Memory

‘I complained to Imam Waqee’ of my weak memory; he advised me to abstain from sins; for, verily, knowledge is a nur from Allah; and this nur of Allah is not awarded to sinners.’ Imam Shafi’ee

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Strive hard each day to do your best and insha’allah you will achieve progress and make great strides over time. Remember to be reflect and be grateful to Allah.

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Utilise Ramadhan

From today all noises of conversation shall cease. If any man allows Ramadan to be wasted, it is a great sorrow indeed. Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi on the morning of the first of Ramadhan.

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