
Dark Hearts

‘Hearts have become dark and have become ruined due to evil glancing.’ Shaykh Yunus Patel [R.A]

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Being Tested

We have been tested by being in such an age, wherein there is no devotion to Islam, no manners of the age of ignorance even, and no requirements of Love and Courtesy. Hazrat Abu Bakr Wasti

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Worst Sin

The worst sin committed by someone is the one not deemed so when it is done. [Ali radi Allah anhu]

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Love for Fame & Wealth

Hubbe jah (love for fame) and hubbe mal (love for wealth) are grave spiritual evils. They never leave man in peace. If a man is satisfied with his lot and remains contented with the little he obtains, he will have no cause for worry and frustration. Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi

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Arrogance is baggage that is oversized. We either leave it behind or risk the smooth journey to eternal bliss. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Secret Sadaqa

Whilst some are busy taking part in Secret Santa, the believers are encouraged to give secret sadaqa. Abu Hurayra said that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,  said, “A man who gives sadaqa, concealing it so that his left hand does  not know what his right hand does…” Allah Almighty says, “If you conceal  it, and give to the poor, that is better for you.” (2:271) [Bukhari]  

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Divine Help

Divine help means to have enough strength to do good deeds, when one intends to do. Hazrat Ibrahim Adham

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Make the Time

If you have no time for your spouse, why did you get married? If you have no time for your children, why did you have them? Make time for them lest you lose them. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Concern Yourself with Yourself

Those who occupy themselves with that which does not concern them usually fall short in matters affecting their own lives. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Worldly Deception

Observe how the life of this world deceives those around you. It lures them into the traps of vanity, wealth, and fame, and exalts them above others. This splendor blinds them, and they are lost forever in illusion. But then in one instant, life deals the blow of death, and all is gone, and with the Beguiler it stands laughing at their sad end. So overcome your egos that you may be saved from the snares that devoured kings and

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