

Those who are jealous of others are contesting the Decision of the Almighty, dropping their faith to a very low level. The Almighty is the sole Decider as to who will have what amount in terms of wealth, health, knowledge, beauty, intellect, wisdom, contentment, success in every aspect of life etc. Nobody has a say in this Divine Decree! So when others are jealous of us, they are upset with the Almighty’s Decision and have primarily declared war against Him

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Indicator of Nisbat

One’s akhlaaq (character) is an indication of one’s nisbat (connection) with Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam). Shaykh Maulana Yunus Patel (rahmatullahi alayh)

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Don’t Lose Allah

“It is better to lose something for the Almighty than to lose the Almighty for something.” Mufti Ismail Menk

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Concealing a Defect

Concealing the defect of a product when selling it is a major sin. Be honest & enjoy the blessings with your wealth. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Fickle in Friendship

People never forget any wrong done to them by others and any good done to them is easily forgotten. However a believer should overlook any wrong done to him and engrave in his heart and mind any good done to him no matter how small. Unfortunately, nowadays the tables are turned and people are fickle in friendship and loyalty, and are willing to overlook many years of good done to them, yet are unforgiving even for a single mistake. Shaykh

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Are You an Asset

Although the number of good people in the world is decreasing, I still know many. But more important than knowing good people is asking myself, “Am I considered a good person?” Good as in sincere, genuine, well-mannered, fair & kind, balanced & trying to please my Maker. Are you ready to make an effort to be an asset to yourself & humanity at large? Then you are a good person too! Alhamdulillah. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Don’t Waste a Second

12:12:12 12/12/12 is one second that the world gets so excited about. It passes just like every fraction of time does. Lesson is, “Time is valuable, don’t waste a single second, it will not return.” Mufti Ismail Menk

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Once in a Lifetime

Everyone was going on about 12.12.12 being once a lifetime date. Isn’t every single day once a lifetime, never to return? Mufti Ismail Menk Make use of each moment, day and opportunity to repent, do good and draw close to Almighty Allah.

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“In reality, to take account of ourselves on an annual basis is not adequate. This is why the Mashā’ikh have advised that a person should do muhāsabah (self-assessment) daily. The method of making muhāsabah is to allocate time to ponder upon the actions carried out throughout the day. If good was done then thank Allāh and resolve to continue; and if sin was committed then repent and resolve to abstain from repeating the same in the future.”  Shaykh Muhammad Saleem

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Improve Our Condition

Whilst is heartwarming to see many using social networking beneficially, it saddens to see those using it detrimentally. Language used, pages liked, comments made, images displayed, type of friends or people followed, hobbies mentioned etc are all indicative of our condition. Let us all make an effort to improve our condition in this regard as there is always room for improvement – myself included. Mufti Ismail Menk

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