Food and Drink
Whilst people in some parts of the world are dying of no food & drink, people in other parts are dying of too much food & drink. Be charitable. Mufti Ismail Menk
Read more"Surely, the true religion in Allah's sight is Islam" (3:19)
Whilst people in some parts of the world are dying of no food & drink, people in other parts are dying of too much food & drink. Be charitable. Mufti Ismail Menk
Read moreThe calmness of the heart is a stage beyond mere happiness and that only comes through true worship & remembrance of the Almighty. When we learn to look at things positively it draws us closer to the Almighty. When we become closer to the Almighty we praise Him upon all conditions and remember Him.When we engage in the remembrance of the Almighty, we attain the calmness of the heart. May the Almighty grant us both happiness as well as calmness
Read moreThe Messenger pbuh says, “A true believer is neither vulgar nor immoral when he speaks”. Many of us use words that we are prohibited to use, and get so used to using such language that we don’t even realise what we are uttering. Using such words is sinful even if we are joking, and it results in the loss of blessings in our lives, the discomfort to the angels of protection who distance themselves from us, losing respect among fellow
Read more“It is a most amazing thing that you should continue to be unmindful, chasing after vain desires, wasting your time in disregard of this most important matter, for you are being driven at a fierce pace (towards death) day and night, hour by hour, like the blink of an eye” Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Source:
Read moreAl-Hasan Al-Basree said: “The world is a vehicle for you. If you drive it, it will deliver you to your destination. If it drives you, you will be destroyed” Source: AK Store
Read moreParents are responsible to give their children the best names possible. When naming our children we should ensure a beautiful meaning rather than an exotic sounding name void of meaning.Some parents ignorantly choose names that have a bad meaning just because it sounds good. The child grows up being called a bad name. It is wise to choose a name that will be pronounced with ease by the community the child will grow up in. This will avoid distortions or
Read moreThe huge ocean is made up of minute droplets and the massive mountain of minute grains whereas singularly a droplet would evaporate and a grain would be blown away insignificantly! The power of unity is shown to us through almost everything around us but man still chooses to look for the smallest thing that divides. Singularly we are insignificant but together we can make the globe a better place. If we have ten differences, we will have a thousand common
Read moreDon’ t approach the deen like it’s your iPod, picking and choosing what you want to listen to. Follow Islam completely.
Read moreIf we would like to achieve success and gain greater blessings in what we have or earn, we must learn to share whatever we have with others. The Almighty has a special Mercy upon those who share their possessions with others. Never let the heart be so deeply attached to wealth or other belongings because the day we are tested in those things, we will find it very difficult to overcome such tests or even to understand the wisdom in
Read moreImam Ghazali mentions in his Ihya’ that Imam Junaid said, “Four traits lift a person to the highest ranks, even if their works and knowledge are little: (1) Forbearance (hilm) (2) Humility (tawadu`) (3) Generosity (sakha’) (4) Good character (husn al-khuluq)–and this is the perfection of faith.” [Ghazali, Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din]
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