
One Bad Habit

Just one bad habit can destroy EVERYTHING we have in the most unpleasant way. Many of those on drugs have just ONE bad habit. If they cut it, they could transform into really lovely human beings. If they do not give up their drugs, they will tear their families apart, finances will crumble, health dwindles and life is totally wasted. Don’t ever do drugs and if u have, save your life & many others by quitting NOW! Mufti Ismail Menk

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Support Your Child’s Religious Development

One of the saddest situations is when parents are not supportive of their children’s choice to become more serious about their religion citing that they are too young or any other excuse. Some go to the extent of threatening their children if they will try to increase in spirituality. This happens to spouses as well. Rather than discourage them, we should be very happy when they incline towards the Almighty in a bigger way than ourselves.  Perhaps our children and

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Coping with Failure and Loss

After having tried our best, our failure in examinations, in marriage, in a business or in any test is not the end of the world. Countess people have been there before us, picked up the pieces, tried again and succeeded. Some have even succeeded after many attempts and have gone a very long way thereafter. It is those who refuse to come to terms with reality who punish themselves by believing that such losses are eternal.This leads to their lives

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Do Not Cause Harm to Others

At times our success, sustenance, contentment, etc is blocked or negatively affected due to a sin we are not giving up or a fellow human being we have harmed. This can even affect the mind, health & family too. Sometimes we hunt for the cause of our downfall, loss, frustrations or unhappiness yet it is glaring us in the face! Transgressing against the Almighty or causing harm and grief to a fellow human being cannot do us any good. If

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Fight Laziness

Early to bed and early to rise are habits taught by the Messenger pbuh. Those who unnecessarily or habitually delay going to bed may not realise the harm to their mental, physical, spiritual & social well being. Similarly those who get up very late each day, allowing laziness to overpower them would have their share of obstacles & negativities as a result. Once this becomes a habit, it can lead to the break up of marriages, feuds within the families,

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Passage of Time

The Messenger PBUH has told us that closer to the Last Day, time will pass by faster and faster. A year will feel like a month, a month like a week, a week like a day and a day like an hour. Amazingly we feel this prophecy today where the day goes by like a few minutes and before we realize, the week is over and then the month and the year too. This is why we must ensure that

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Moderation with Food

We should neither eat excessively nor starve ourselves when pure food is available. Water & fluid should make up an average of a third of our stomach’s capacity, with solids making up another third. The rest should remain empty. Also, chewing solids properly, eating at a medium pace and eating healthy are all taught by the Messenger pbuh. All this requires great discipline, holds a great reward and ensures good health too. Wasting food in any way is also strongly

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Most Blessed of All Weddings

Lavish weddings where much money is splashed, extravagance is clear, religious rules are blatantly disregarded, the poor are not invited and people forget that it is meant to be a sacred union and a gift of the Almighty, cannot bear much blessings and can even return to haunt the families later on. The most blessed of all weddings are those full of simplicity where religious rules are given prime… importance and the whole function considered a spiritually filled celebration of

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Road Rage

Road rage is unnecessary and not befitting a believer. Those who share the road with us have rights over us. One of these rights is that we are courteous to them. Today on many roads across the globe, this is lacking. We are even taught to render assistance to those sharing the path or road with us and be patient with them. The loss of temper on the road has become more common than before. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Time is More Powerful

When a bird is alive it eats ants, yet when it dies, the ants eat it. Circumstances can change at any time and the tables usually turn over a period of time. Do not oppress, despise or hurt anyone during your lifetime. You may be powerful today but remember, time is more powerful that you! Just like one tree makes a million match sticks, yet when the time comes then only a single match is needed to burn a million

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