
Paradise with ease

Constantly bearing in mind that we are answerable to our Maker for every single thing we say, do or earn, will make us the purest of people. This would then create a barrier between us & the wrath of the Almighty & would lead us into paradise with ease. This is the explanation of the word “TAQWA” which is repeated so often in the Noble Qur’aan. Such consciousness would not allow us to engage in anything unacceptable. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Are you awake?

Whosoever is awake (to the material world) is the more asleep (to the spiritual world); his wakefulness is worse than his sleep. [Mathnavi of Rumi]

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Do not Delay

Never delay in making the changes we need to in our lives. To begin with we must identify what needs to change & then plan how this change should be made in the most effective way. Finally we should execute this plan as soon as we can! At some stage in our lives we will all feel the need to change certain things for the better. Never let such feelings fade without doing something about it! Mufti Ismail Menk

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Keeping Secrets

Keeping secrets others have entrusted us with is part of our duty. We would be committing grave injustice by “leaking” what we held in confidence. Many take this for granted, thinking that the password is “don’t tell anybody but…” yet even that is a sin. It destroys good relations & wreaks havoc in society. It is also advised NOT to share secrets unnecessarily in the first place. Many people have regretted this. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Actions of Worth

That action is worthy to pursue which brings you close to Allah Ta’ala and elevates you. And those actions which do not bring the nearness of Allah Ta’ala are not worth pursuing. Extract from ’99 Golden Advices for All Saalikeen’ by Maulana Muhammad zakariyya kandhlawi

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Ten Things We Waste

1. Knowledge: Wasted when not taking action with it. 2. Actions: Wasted when we do anything without sincerity. Intentions count. 3. Wealth: Wasted when used on things that will not bring us Ãjr (reward). We waste our money, our status, our authority, on things that have no benefit in this life or in Ãkhirah (The Hereafter). 4. Hearts: Wasted when empty from the love of Allah, and the longing for Him, and devoid of peace & contentment. 5. Bodies: Wasted

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Non Acceptance of Du’aas

Abu Is’haaq Ebrahim Ibne Ad’ham was once passing through a bazaar in Basrah. It ws said unto him: “O Abu Is’haaq, verily Allah has declared ‘Ask Me, I will grant you your request.’ Why is it that we make du’aa and He does not accept?” Abu Ishaaq replied: “Surely it is because your hearts have become dead, due to ten things: 1 You have known who Allah is, yet you have not fulfilled His duties; 2 You have recited the

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Correcting a Child

Those who always lose their temper when correcting a child do more harm than good. Such an approach can have long term effects causing rebellion, addictions, disorders, involvement in vice and other bad traits. Those who make an effort to train and educate children in the most loving manner, spending much time with them, never giving up on them, always praising their little achievements stand a better chance of succeeding. Mufti Ismail Menk

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If you do not make an intention of acquiring Khair (Deeni goodness) from ‘Ilm, then you will be deprived of Tawfeeq. Imam Abu Haneefah (r.a)

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Three Companions

In this world you have three companions: one is faithful, the others are treacherous. The latter are friends and possessions; the faithful one is excellence in deeds. Your wealth won’t come with you out of your palace; your friend will come, but only as far as the grave. When the day of doom comes to meet you, your friend will say, “I’ve come this far, but no farther. I will stand a while at your grave.” Your deeds alone are

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