
Increase Your Strength

A Muslim on his face & knees in prayer is stronger than a king on his throne. Increase your strength 5 times daily with Salaah!

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the Spiritual Virus

The spiritual virus of the porndemic is more spiritually virulent and destructive than the physical effects of the COVID pandemic. Protect yourself from such a virus with the mask of Salaah, Zikrullah and Tilawah of the Qur’aan. Mufti Ismail Desai

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Lack of sincerity

I seek forgiveness from Allah for the lack of my sincerity when I say I seek the forgiveness of AllahRabia al-Adawiyyah

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Time is priceless

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Whoever follows the Sunnah

“Whoever follows the Sunnah, he does not need to worry about his Deen or Dunya. Allah looks after him.” Shaykh Muhammad Yunus Jownpuri

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In Anger

You can’t see your reflection in boiling water; similarly, truth cannot be seen in a state of anger.

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Deprivation of the Negligent

During heavy rainfall if a person was to complain that he has not managed to collect water, then all present would conclude that this was because of his sheer negligence and laxity. Likewise in Ramadhan only the extremely negligent remain deprived because the Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah ta’ala descends in torrents. Shaykh Saleem Dhorat – www.idauk.org

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Conquering Oneself

I have never struggled to rectify something that is more difficult to overcome than my soul; sometimes I win, and sometimes I lose. Sufyān al-Thawrī 

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Our Death

Our death is our wedding with eternity. Rumi

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Your Blessings

Remember your blessings, that Allah has granted you, no matter what you’re going through.

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