
True Alim and Jahil

“The difference between a learned person (true Alim) and an ignorant person (Jahil) is that the ignorant person severs relationships due to a difference of opinion, whereas a learned person does not allow it to affect established relationships.” Mufti Saeed Palanpuri RA

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When faced with adversity

Whenever we are faced with adverse conditions we should do four things:Tilaawat (recitation) of QuranDuaZikr of AllahRemain firm on Deen (do what we have been commanded to do) Maulana Abdul Hamid Ishaaq

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Piety of the Mother

“When you find a pious man then most of the time it is on account of the piety of his mother. She is the one who instils values in the child, moulds him and later allows him to develop and become a pious person.” (Mufti Ebrahim Salejee D.B)

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Doing a good deed

Do not consider yourself great for doing a good deed. Consider Allah great for granting you the ability to do a good deed.

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The dumpyard of sins

A person in a dumpyard can pour many buckets of water over himself, he will never get clean. When he removes himself from the dumpyard, even a little water will be sufficient to cleanse himself. We need to first remove ourselves from the dumpyard of sins & then make little Taubah. Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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Worry is an illness

“Worry is itself an illness, since worry is an accusation against Divine Wisdom, a criticism of Divine Mercy.”Said Nursi

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3 days

“The world is 3 days: As for yesterday, it has vanished along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow, you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work on it.” Hasan Al-Basri

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Lost and found

“What has he found who has lost Allah? And what has he lost who has found Allah?” Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah Al-Iskandari

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Give Life to Your Heart

I saw the sins deaden the heart & persistent sinning leads to humiliation. forsaking sin gives life to the heart. Abdullah bin Mubaarak

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Choose your friends carefully

“The one who loves you will prevent you from sin and the one who is your enemy will provoke you towards sin” Shaykh Ebrahim Bham

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