
Benefits of Salaam

It is said that a young man was making tawaf of the Ka’ba. At the same time he was engaged in sending Salaam on the Prophet (SAW). A man on hearing this inquired, “Do you know of any benefits of sending Salaam?” “Yes” he replied. “My father and I left for hajj, he fell sick on the way and died. His face turned black, his eyes blue and his stomach had swollen up. I cried and said, “We belong to

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Pearls from the Sea

Zun-Noon Misri relates, we once embarked on a ship and a handsome young man, whose face was gleaming with light also set out with us. During the voyage the owner of the ship lost a bag which contained his money. This led to a search of all the passengers on board. When the young man was approached, he leaped out of the ship into the water. Whilst we looked on he supplicated, “Oh Allah they have accused me. I take

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Allah the Provider

It is related that a man would come every night to all ardent worshipper from amongst the worshippers of Al-Haram, with two pieces of bread with which he would break his fast. This devotee of Allah would not concern himself with anything but the remembrance of Allah. One day his nafs whispered to him, “You rely on this man for food and have forgotten the One who provides for the creation. What is this inattentiveness.” When the man approached him

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Help from Khadir

Ibraheem al-Khawwas relates, in my travels there was once an occasion when I felt so thirsty that I passed out. Some water was sprinkled to bring me round again. My eyes opened. I saw a man of outstanding beauty riding a grey horse. He offered me some water and requested that I accompany him on his horse. After a short while he enquired, “What do you see?” I suprisingly replied, “Madinah!” He then said, “Proceed to the Mosque and send

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Khadir and the young Man

It is related that Abu-al-Abbas al-Khadir was once questioned by Abdullah,’ Have you come across a Wali of Allah that has a greater status than yours?” ”Yes” he replied. “I was once in Masjid-e-Nabawi, when I saw Abdur Razzak and a group of people around him listening to Ahadith. In the corner of the masjid was a young man sitting with his head on his knees.” I asked him why are you not sitting with the People and listening to

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The Pious Barber

The Pious Barber Abu Ja’far al-Hadad relates, “During a stay in Makkah my hair had grown long but I could not afford to cut it. I went to a barber who seemed to be a good man and asked him to cut my hair for the sake of Allah. The barber glanced at my messy hair and invited me forward. He trimmed away the locks up to the ears. Once he had finished he reached and handed over some dirhams.

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The Ethiopian Slave

Abdullah bin Mubarak relates, “‘Once while I was in Makkah, we were struck with a severe drought. It had not rained for weeks and all the people gathered in Masjid al-Haram to pray for rain. I was also amongst them sitting next to the gate of Banu Saiba. An Ethiopian slave wearing tatty garments came and sat in front of me. I could hear him praying, “Oh Allah, bad deeds and sinning have frayed the faces and you have stopped

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Sinless Barkh

Ka’ab relates, once at the time of Prophet Musa (AS), there was a drought. The Bani Israeel aked him to pray for rain. Prophet Musa told them to come with him to the mountain. When they climbed the mountain he said to his People, “Whoever has committe a sin, then do not follow me ” They all turned and walked back down the mountain except one man. He was blind from one eye and known to the people as Barkh.

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The Shepherd and Ibraheem Adham

Ibrabeem bin Adham relates, once I passed by a shepherd and asked him, “Do you have any water or milk?” The shepherd raised himself and replied, “Yes, which would you like?” I said, “Water”. He turned and walked up the hill. I followed. We reached a plateau, where several boulders had settled. He gently struck it with his staff and moved back, The boulder, cracked and water gushed forth. I drank to my fill and also took the opportunity to

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Reward of the Leper

A pious man relates that a friend of mine was suffering from leprosy. He was affected by it so much that he had lost his fingers and toes and was rendered blind. I took and left him with the lepers. I would regularly visit him and take care of him. Once I forgot for a few days but when I remembered I came to see him immediately and told him that I had forgotten. He remaked, “I have someone who

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