
The need for a Shaykh

We can cite another example – of the sweetness of a mango and a lump of sugar. Both are sweet; but how does one define each sweetness? It is not possible for anyone to do that in words and there is only one way to distinguish the nature of each. One must eat the two things and know for himself what the difference is. In the same way, it is not easy to define the inner excellencies of man. For

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Aim of Tasawwuf

Shaikh Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri (may Allah have mercy on him) said, ‘The aim and objective of spiritual path (sulook) is to make the heart of the seeker yearn for Allah’s pleasure similar to the body’s demand for food. That is, the desire to worship becomes similar to the craving for food and water. This can only happen when the heart is, – filled to the brim by the majesty and love of Allah and – empty from the desires of all

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The Light of Piety

Life is a matter of just a few days. Muster up some courage and do not fulfil your urge to sin. Make the urge of sin dry up in the rays of the sun of mujahadah (striving) just like how the sun in the sky dries up dung. If you do not fulfill the urge to sin, the light of taqwa will be created. But if a person does not allow the dung to dry up and lets the cattle

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Two paths leading to Allah

Allamah Isfaraini (Rahimahullah), the teacher of Imam Ghazali (Rahimahullah) supplicated for thirty years to Allah to make him sinless. He wanted to be completely free from all types of sin. This was a special status he sought. Only the one who does not want to displease Allah can make such a dua. One day he thought that although he had been supplicating for thirty years, Allah had not accepted his dua despite being Karim (generous in giving). A voice emanated

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Cure for Cancer of Pride

We all have hearts. Our job is to keep our hearts pure. Life is about keeping your heart pure. The greatest impurity is pride. Pride is worse than cancer. Initiating salaam is one cure for pride. One point to note is that the salaam has to be a sincere salaam. Source: An-Noor

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Aim of Tasawwuf

“The aim of Tasawwuf is to clean the heart from spiritual diseases, and to educate, or transform, the self (Nafs), and to seek Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala’s pleasure through imposing the Shariah on ourselves inwardly and outwardly, all in the way followed by our Rasulullah Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam and the righteous predecessors (Salaf).” Extract from ‘Tasawwuf and Tazkiyah’ by Shaykh Imran ibn Adam

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