Intending a Good Deed
Sayyiduna Khuraym ibn Fatik رضي الله عنه narrates: Nabee صلى الله عليه وسلم said: (as part of a longer narration)
“Whomsoever intends doing a good deed, his heart is set on carrying it out and Allah Ta’ala is aware that he wants to carry it out, then Allah Ta’ala will record for him one good deed”
(Musnad Ahmad)
The above narration explains that a person will be rewarded merely for having a firm intention to carry out a good deed, although he has not carried it out yet. When he carries it out, he will be rewarded tenfold as Allah Ta’ala mentions:
“Whosoever carries out a good deed, will receive ten times as much”
(Surah Al An’am, verse: 160)