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Make it or Break it?

Source: As-Sabiqoon Monthly Magazine Issue 9 Sept 2006

Have you ever felt like you don’t fit in? Ever questioned why your heart still isn’t content, even though you have everything going for you??

An ex-college student was interviewed to find out about her experiences during college life and how she handled these common feelings.

Q. Was there a change from how u were when you started college, and how u were when you left college?
A. Definitely, college is the ‘make it or break it’ stage. Whilst you were at secondary school you were still growing up and learning about life, then when you start college you’re older, no one can tell you what to do anymore! A whole world of Fitnah and temptation is open before you. You either leave college as a better Muslim, with the fear of Allah instilled in your heart, or you leave it in an even shoddier condition than when you started, the choice is yours!

Q. Why do you think people are attracted to the link?
A. Every college has it, whether it’s called the ‘Link’, the ‘Quad’ or the ‘Common Room’, it�s all the same, in reality it’s the ‘Fitnah Zone!!!’ Shaytan has done his best to decorate and adorn this ‘zone,’ the same way this world has been adorned with temptations and Fitnah. People fail to realise they’re treading on the path to Jahannam (hell-fire)!

Q. Was there anyone or any particular incident that helped you change?
A. During the first few months of college I have to admit, I myself was attracted to the link. At first it was all about ‘chillin’ out and enjoying yourself, but as time went on I realised my heart wasn’t content, there was no Sukoon (tranquillity)! Even though I used to still spend most of the time in the Link, I knew I didn’t fit in! That’s when my search began…

Q. Do you think friends affect or influence how you are?
A. I can say from experience that without even realising you will begin to adopt the style and behaviour of your friends! I can recall a few incidents from college alone where practicing brothers/sisters lost all their good qualities due to bad company. However, there were also a number of students who were drowning in sin and evil, but Alhamdulillah because of good company they underwent a complete revolution!
‘A person is on the way of his friends. Therefore he should think carefully whom he is making a friend’ (At Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Ahmad)

Q. After experiencing two years of college life, what advice would you give to those who are going to be starting college this year?
A. As I mentioned before, the company you keep plays a big part on who you are. Therefore try to make friends with those who have concern not only for the needs of this temporary life, but also for the requirements of your next life, the everlasting life; it is they who are your real friends!

Remember Allah (swt) sees all and He knows what the hearts conceal. Always bear this in mind when tempted by the lures of Shaytan, know that you WILL be resurrected one day, and questioned about each and every sin you indulged in, are you ready for it?

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