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Mufti Abdool Kader Hoosen

Mufti Abdool Kader Hoosen is the resident Mufti of Channel Islam International which is an extremely well known and successful radio station. The current radio coverage spans across 65 countries across three continents. (Africa, Europe, Arab Peninsula – also available over the internet).

Mufti Abdool Kader Hoosen:
“I was born in Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa on the 20th April 1957. After studying at the primary school in Heidelberg, my parents Ismail and Halima Hoosen (Rahmatullahi Alayhim) motivated me to start memorizing the Quraan Shareef. Thus I started my Hifz in 1968 and completed in 1970 under the tutorship of Hafiz Ebrahim Limalia.

In 1974, I pursued my Islamic studies in Karachi, Pakistan, as I wanted to know what is the meaning of the Noble Quraan. Alhamdulillah, I graduated in 1980 at Jamia Farooqia Karachi,Pakistan. In 1990 I completed my MA with distinction at the Rand Afrikaans University in Islamic studies.

I always yearned to teach at a Darul Uloom and in January 1981, I started teaching at Darul Uloom Newcastle. The portfolios I held there was vice principle, Mufti and Senior Lecturer on Tafseer, Quraan and Hadith etc. After staying for 20 years in Newcastle, I joined Cii in January 2001 as a resident Mufti. My wife, Fathima is a great inspiration for me.”

Some talks delivered by Mufti Abdool Kader Hoosen’s can be heard and downloaded from the Edars website, whilst his radio programmes are frequently aired on Cii. May Allah swt give good health and long life to Mufti Abdool Kader Hoosen in order that the ummah continue to benefit from his talks and knowledge. Ameen.

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