
Authenticity of Tabligh

Allah Taãla says in the Noble Qurãn, ‘You are the best of nations sent to man. You command good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah’. (Aali Imraan). Allah Taãla states that one reason for this Ummah being titled as the best of Ummah, is the practice of commanding good and preventing evil’.   Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) states, ‘Whosoever from among you witnesses evil, he should change it with his hands. And if he is unable to do so

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Dirty Robe

Imam ibn al-Jawzi ???? ???? was once asked: “Is it better for me to make Tasbeeh (praise Allah) or to make Istighfaar (seek forgiveness)?” He replied: “The dirty robe is more in need of soap than perfume” Source: Purifying the Heart

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Prophets Hud and Salih

Since their purpose was often the same, the stories of many of the prophets are very similar. They were all raised up among their own people, to warn their people against their sinful ways and warn of Allah’s pending punishment. Their message was the same, to worship Allah and heed the words of His prophet. The prophets emphasized that they had nothing to gain from their people; that they were merely conveying Allah’s message. And all the prophets were deeply

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Cure for Cancer of Pride

We all have hearts. Our job is to keep our hearts pure. Life is about keeping your heart pure. The greatest impurity is pride. Pride is worse than cancer. Initiating salaam is one cure for pride. One point to note is that the salaam has to be a sincere salaam. Source: An-Noor

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Talk with Allah

Sayyidi wa sanadi Hadhrat Mawlana Mohammad Taqi Usmani (may Allah preserve him) said, “Develop this habit of talking to Allah. My shaykh Arif-billah Hadhrat Dr Abdul-Hayy Arifi (may Allah have mercy on him) told this to us repeatedly. Sit in solitude and contemplate that I am in front of Allah. Tell Him everything that is on your mind and bothering you. Your past mistakes, the present difficulties and future apprehensions . Tell Him in detail and ask for guidance and

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Hope and Fear

Hope and Fear are like the two wings of a dove They need to be in balance in order to fly. Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq quoting an arab poet

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Aim of Tasawwuf

“The aim of Tasawwuf is to clean the heart from spiritual diseases, and to educate, or transform, the self (Nafs), and to seek Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala’s pleasure through imposing the Shariah on ourselves inwardly and outwardly, all in the way followed by our Rasulullah Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam and the righteous predecessors (Salaf).” Extract from ‘Tasawwuf and Tazkiyah’ by Shaykh Imran ibn Adam

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Internet and Haya

Sourced from Ashrafiya Respected Sahibzada Amer (may Allah grant him a long and healthy life) a very senior murid of sayyidi wa sanadi said, “We focus on staying away from television, as most of the programming is un-Islamic. However, little if any attention is paid to the internet. Inappropriate use of internet is more rampant and morally destructive than TV. Even the most religious and pious families are suffering from its corrupt use. Homes are being destroyed by this misuse. Watching pornographic material,

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Prophet Lut

The stories of the prophets which are told to us in the Qur’an are not just tales of devout and God-fearing people. They are meant to serve as a warning to us of what happens to people who do not follow in the way of Allah. Prophet Lut’s community The society in which Prophet Lut (A.S.) lived must have been very much like the society in which we live, where natural laws governing the behaviour of men and women toward

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The Realm after Death (Barzakh)

It is the belief (‘Aqeedah) of deen that after death, mankind will enter a realm before the day of resurrection, which is known as Aalam-e-Barzakh. There are many sects in Islam who claim to be Muslims but do not believe in Aalam-e-Barzakh.’ This is a grave misunderstanding on behalf of these people. Death is the ultimate reality that no human can escape. It awes people and challenges all of their false claims of deviant beliefs. It puts an end to

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