
Stages of Knowledge

Ibn al-Mubārak said, “The stages of knowledge are sincerity, listening, understanding, memorizing, implementing, and sharing.” Ibn ʿAbdal-Barr, Jāmiʿ bayān al-ʿIlm

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Say Thanks to Allah

A man reached 70 years of age and he faced a disease; he could not urinate. The doctors informed him that he was in need of an operation to cure this disease. He agreed to have the operation done as the problem was giving him much pain for days. When the operation was completed, his doctor gave him the bill which covered all the costs. The old man looked at the bill and started to cry. Upon seeing this the

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The Purpose of Ramadan

The month of Ramadhan is not like any other month; its purpose is to rid man of those habits which he has accumulated throughout the rest of the year. It is a month that prepares man for the remaining eleven months by teaching him discipline and self control. Thus, Allah has made some acts which are beloved to man, like eating, drinking and fulfilling one’s desires, Haraam. If man can control these desires in this month, which are usually permissible

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Fasting is ibadah

As fasting is an act of ‘ibādah in itself, just keeping the fast means you are in a state of ‘ibādah. If you can do any other ‘ibādah at the same time, that is very good. If you cannot do any proactive ‘ibādah you should not feel guilty about it as you are already in a state of ‘ibādah. However, it is important that the fast we keep adheres to the spirit of fasting. (Excerpt from a Spiritual Gathering held

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11 Benefits of Reading Books

11 Benefits of Reading Books“From Boosting Your Brain to Soothing Your Soul” 1. Reading can help ease feelings of anxiety and grief. 2. By keeping your mind occupied with a good book, you’re less likely to fall for falsehoods. 3. Regular reading habits can prevent you from wasting time with idle or inactive people. 4. Reading regularly can help improve your speaking skills and communication clarity. 5. Reading can help develop and purify your thoughts. 6. It boosts your knowledge,

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Effects of Worship in Ramadhan

Experience has shown that effects of ibaadat (worship) in the blessed month of Ramadhan remain upon the remainder of the year. Whomsoever practises any virtue informally therein, ease of performing A’amale Salihah overtakes them thereafter. Similarly, whoever prevents them self from sinning therein, for the remaining eleven months abstentation will become easy. In reality, prevention from sins in Ramadhan is not too difficult because, it is established that the Shayateen are imprisoned. Consequently, less sinning occurs generally because of removal

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Object of Ramadan

On a sweltering hot day your throat has become parched. You are in the privacy of your home and the refreshingly cool water is within hand’s reach. You desire to drink it, but you do not. Why? Simply because you are fasting and while fasting you cannot eat and drink. If somebody prompts you to nevertheless drink it and says: “Nobody is watching,” you will immediately rebuke him with the words: “But Allah is watching!” ALLAH  TA’ALA IS WATCHING! Subhanallah!

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Befriend books and knowledge

“Establish friendship with books and knowledge.” – Mufti Radaul Haq Sahib

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Wanting from Allah

When you get what you want, that is Allah’s direction. When you don’t get what you want, that is Allah’s Protection.

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Role Model in 21st Century

Role Model in the 21st century – a short video providing advice and guidance by Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq.

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