
the Spiritual Virus

The spiritual virus of the porndemic is more spiritually virulent and destructive than the physical effects of the COVID pandemic. Protect yourself from such a virus with the mask of Salaah, Zikrullah and Tilawah of the Qur’aan. Mufti Ismail Desai

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The Sheikhs Parrot

There was a Sheikh who was teaching his students Aqeedah (faith), He taught them ‘la ilaha illa Allah’ and explained it to them. The Sheikh loved keeping pets, so he was given a parrot by one of the students as a gift. And with days the Sheikh started to like the parrot.  He used to take him in his lessons, until the parrot knew how to say la ilaha illa Allah, He would to utter it night and day. One

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Honesty and Truth

A honest and truthful girl. One night, as per his usual practise, Hadrat Sayyiduna ‘Umar – may Allah be pleased with him – was walking around Madina Shareef with his slave. In fact, it was his habit to walk around the streets and pathways of Madina Shareef during the night with the intention of looking after the people in the blessed city and also to see that no harm came to them. As he walked along, at a certain stage, he felt

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Dua for safety from calamities

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Umrah Checklist

UMRAH CHECK LIST – TOURIST VISADATE : 18/11/21 If you have any questions you may email – ask@visitsaudi.com. As updates occur regularly its best to contact them with any questions. Ensure You are Double Vacinated for Covid. Check with “Ask@ VisitSaudi” to see which vaccines are recognised in Saudi. Current Approved Vaccines : Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J (administered at least 14 days prior to arrival). Sinopharm or Sinovac Vaccines : Additional dose of any of the above 4 main

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Overlooking the Shortcomings of a Spouse

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Dua on Marriage/ Wedding

Abu Hurairah (r.a) said that when the Prophet (pbuh) congratulated a man on his marriage he said:  بَارَكَ اللهُ لَكَ، وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكَ، وَجَمَعَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِي خَيْر “Allah bless you, and may He send blessings upon you, and may He unite you both in good.” (Tirmidhi) Back to Duas index Dua on Marriage/ Wedding

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Beginners guide to Surviving University

Source: As-Sabiqoon Monthly Magazine Issue 9 Sept 2006 Before you is a concise step-by-step guide about surviving at Uni! All I write is based upon my very own experience which has advice in dealing with it life at Uni. It’s worth noting that (as I write) I am a first year and in no way have I experienced all the problems, and due to the nature of the problems mentioned, my advice is not the only advice available. I recommend

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Lack of sincerity

I seek forgiveness from Allah for the lack of my sincerity when I say I seek the forgiveness of AllahRabia al-Adawiyyah

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Rizq is fixed

*Everyone’s Rizq is fixed* A high flying manager of major departmental stores in U.K., Malaysia and China moved to Makkah. He had been brought in by Bin Dawood stores as a regional manager for the Makkah region. He was from England. After living and working in Saudia for some time, he later narrated how he found it so strange, unique and uplifting in how business was done in Saudia. Here were the examples he gave: 1. In Makkah, next to

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