
Sunnah of Fasting

Here are some Sunnah for Fasting To partake in Suhur (Sehri), the pre-dawn meal To break the fast immediately after sunset To open the fast with Dates To pray Tarawih prayer at night To be generous in giving Charity To increase your recital of the Holy Quran

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Fasting in Ramadan – Ahadith from Riyad as-Salihin

Chapters related to Fasting in Ramadan 217. Chapter: On the obligation to fast Ramadan and clarification of the excellence of fasting and what is connected to it Allah Almighty says, “You who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you..” to His words “The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Qur’an was sent down as guidance for mankind, with Clear Signs containing guidance and discrimination. Any of you who are resident

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Virtues of Sehri

by Sheikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya HADITH NO. 7 Ibn Umar (Radhi Allaho anho) relates: Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: ‘Verily Allah and His Malaa’ikah send Mercy upon those who eat ‘Sehri’ (sower-Suhoor).” COMMENTARY How great is Allah’s favour upon us that even the partaking of food before dawn for fasting is so greatly rewarded. There are many Ahaadith in which the virtues of “Sehri” are expounded and the rewards mentioned. Allaamah Ain – Commentator on Bukhari – has quoted

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The Benefits of Fasting

by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq

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The arabic word tawakkul [توكّل] means trust. Tawakkul is the sense is that the believer should have total trust in Allāh, One and Pure, free from all conceivable associations and ascriptions, not simply theoretically but in deeds too and in all states and conditions of one’s life. In a sound Ḥadīth, the Prophet ﷺ has said that this [Tawakkul] does not mean that one should abandon material causes and means when it comes to taking care of ones legitimate needs.

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Ramadhan Super Foods

Bismihi Ta’ala By Umme Faatimah (B.Dietetics Univ. of Pretoria) The modern world has swept us off our feet in so many ways… our dressing, our lifestyles and most noticeably our eating habits. We have so casually adapted the western culture of unhealthy eating, moving further and further away from the Noble teachings of the Quraan and Sunnah of The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him). Yet, the newest nutritional research continues to discover the benefits of certain foods,

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The believers are like a wall

The believers are like a wall whose bricks are fitted tightly together; each one of them supports another. Bukhari

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The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch10

As Ahmad walks towards the magical gates, they slowly open releasing an incredible scent out in the open. Ahmad’s hair is pushed back as the wind gently strikes against his body. He enters the large magical dome, and there before him is an incredible garden of literally thousands of large colourful flowers and bushes never seen by man. Streams of blue and green water pass through the land like meandering rivers, the water passing along at a generally fast speed.

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The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch9

Slowly the soil of the ground is thrown over the body of Ahmad. Minute by minute the hole of the grave begins to fill. Family, relatives and friends watch down in sadness, some crying out of grief, others crying out of fear that one day they will be in Ahmad’s situation, dead. They all sit around Ahmad’s grave until the time appointed. As they walk away, Ahmad’s soul is instantly taken up outside the Gates of Paradise. There before him

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The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch8

“Ya Rubb! How can this be so beautiful in what I am seeing?!” Ahmad says as tears roll down his face. “Oh Ahmad! You have seen nothing yet. We have not even come close to the Doors of Eternal Beauty!” The angels call out to him as they begin their ascent through the Seven Heavens. Up they rise, faster than the speed of light. A beautiful wind gushes upon the face of Ahmad as he sits within the casket of

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