
8 The Battle of Badr

THE DECISIVE BATTLE OF BADR: The Great Expedition of Badr took place in Ramadan, 2 A.H. Allah called this battle ‘The Day of Distinguishing.’ Allah says, ‘if you believe in Allah and what We sent down on Our servant on the Day of Distinguishing, the day the two hosts met.’ (8: 41) The Messenger of Allah had heard that Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, who was extremely hostile to Islam, was coming from Syria with a large trading caravan belonging to

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7 In Madinah

MADINAH RECEIVES THE MESSENGER (SALLALLAHU ALAIYHI WASSALLAM) OF ALLAH: The Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah and his party continued their journey to Quba’ which is on the outskirts of Madinah. It was Monday the 12 of Rabi’ al-Awwal and this date marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. When the Ansar heard that the Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah had left Makkah they waited for him even more eagerly than people who are fasting wait for the new moon of

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6 Hijrah

THE HIJRAH TO MADINAH BEGINS: Once the Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah had taken this pledge, the Muslims had more security and some from Makkah took refuge with the Ansar. The Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah ordered his Companions and those Muslims who were with him in Makkah to leave for Madinah, and to join their brothers among the Ansar. He said, ‘Allah has given you brothers and an abode where you will be safe.’ They soon began to leave

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5 After the Boycott

THE DEATHS OF ABU TALIB AND KHADIJAH: Soon after the end of the boycott, in the tenth year of prophethood, Abu Talib and Khadijah died. They had been good companions noted for their loyalty, support, and devotion. Abu Talib, however, never became a Muslim. At this time, troubles fell on the Messenger of Allah one after another. ISLAM SPREADS: At-Tufayl ibn Amr ad-Dawsi came to Makkah. He was a noble man, a poet, and intelligent. The Quraysh warned him against

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4 The Reaction of the Quraysh

THE QURAYSH TORTURE THE MUSLIMS: The Messenger of Allah continued to call people to Allah and the Quraysh despaired of both him and Abu Talib. Their anger descended on those of their fellow tribesmen who had become Muslims and were defenceless. Every clan targeted those who had become Muslims. They began to imprison them and torture them with beatings, hunger and thirst, even leaving them exposed on the sun-baked ground of Makkah when the heat was most intense. Bilal, an

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3 After Prophethood

INTIMATIONS OF PROPHETHOOD: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was forty when the first glimpses of light and of his future happiness appeared. The time of his mission approached. It had always been the Divine practice that whenever the darkness had become too intense and the wickedness widespread, a Messenger appeared. The Messenger of Allah’s distaste for what he saw reached a peak. It was as if he was being guided towards a certain

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Time to Contemplate

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2 Before Prophethood

MAKKAH AND THE QURAYSH: After a long journey, Ibrahim (Alayhis salam) approached Makkah, which lies in a valley between desolate mountains. As there was no water, crops could not grow and human life could not be sustained there. Accompanied by his wife Hajar and his son Isma’il, Ibrahim was fleeing from the cult of idol-worship which had spread throughout the world. He wanted to establish a centre in which Allah alone would be worshipped and to which people could be

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1 The Age of Ignorance

ANCIENT RELIGIONS: After the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah, Isa ibn Maryam, there was a long period without a Prophet. Light and knowledge disappeared. Christianity fell into disrepute and became a matter of sport for the corrupt and the hypocrites. From the very beginning, Christianity had been subjected to alterations by extremists and to interpretations by the ignorant. The simple teaching of the Messiah was buried beneath the transgressors’ evil behaviour. The Jews had become a society obsessed with

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Physical Beauty of Nabee (saw)

Describing the physical beauty of Nabee صلى الله عليه وسلم, Sayyiduna Jabir Ibn Samurah رضي الله عنه says: I saw the Messenger of Allah, صلى الله عليه وسلم on a clear night while he was wearing a red cloak. I turned my sight between him and the moon and, to me, he was more handsome and beautiful than the moon. (Al-Shamā’il al-Muḥammadīyah)

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