
Purification of the Heart

Living in a world full of temptations and desires, it can be very easy for us to lose track and fall for its glamour. There comes a time when we can no longer ourselves control our inner self, rather we turn our attention to Shuyookh (spiritual leaders) who have mastered this field and received guidance from their pious Ulama (scholars). This chain goes back all the way to Rasulullah (S.A.W).

They work on helping us purify our hearts and spiritual body. This undoubtedly will also have a good effect on our exterior and one will slowly but surely feel the difference!

By Mufti Ismail Menk

One comment

  • said

    Asslamu aleikum iam a revert muslim looking to get more knowledge in islam i leave in rural areas in Kenya thanks bukra INSHA ALLAH


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