
Cure for jealousy

If you feel jealous (hasad) towards someone, make a lot of dua for them that Allah ﷻ blesses them even more (cure for jealousy) Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Adam

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Etiquettes of seeking ‘ilm

Source: Madrassah Al Zahra Publication – Al ‘Ilmun Nafi’ Before one sets out to seek knowledge we must bear in mind there are etiquettes for seeking knowledge. Only when one attains knowledge according to them, will the knowledge gained be beneficial. If we have no respect for the knowledge that we gain, that knowledge will merely remain information. Knowledge can only be beneficial for us if we gain it according to the following guidelines: Be patient – To gain ‘ilm

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Sabr isn’t the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude whilst waiting, knowing Allah’s plans are far better than any other. Maulana Imtiyaz Sidat

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Focus on Your Character

By Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth. There are two particular hadiths that are extremely important for Muslims to keep in mind; one establishes the foundations of Islam, telling us about the basis for this religion, its absolute pillars, while the second relates to the way in which one beautifies this structure of Islam and ones iman, representing the roof, adornments, embellishment and outward expression of this structure. As Muslims we are

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Purification of the Heart

Living in a world full of temptations and desires, it can be very easy for us to lose track and fall for its glamour. There comes a time when we can no longer ourselves control our inner self, rather we turn our attention to Shuyookh (spiritual leaders) who have mastered this field and received guidance from their pious Ulama (scholars). This chain goes back all the way to Rasulullah (S.A.W). They work on helping us purify our hearts and spiritual

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Purify the Heart

We look after our gadgets and phones, putting a case and screen protector on to stop it getting damaged and dirty. Why then do we not take the necessary steps to protect our hearts, from sins, misdeeds and bad character?  قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَن زَكَّاهَا He who purifies the soul, he is successful. [Surah al Shams 91:9]

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Simple Ways To Change Yourself

Simple Ways To Change Yourself by Mufti Ismail Menk Al-Imdaad Programme Blackburn

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The fruits of Honesty

An emperor in the Far East was growing old and knew it was time to choose his successor. Instead of choosing one of his assistants or his children, he decided something different. He called young people in the kingdom together one day. He said, “It is time for me to step down and choose the next emperor. I have decided to choose one of you.” The kids were shocked! But the emperor continued. “I am going to give each one

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Nourishment of the Soul

Allah created the body from the dust of the earth So its nourishment (food and drink) comes from the earth Our soul (nafs, rooh) has come from Allah and the heavens So too the nourishment of the soul comes from Allah and the heavens So what is the nourishment of the soul? It is the Holy Quran, words of Allah, spirituality, our connection with Allah and Ibadaat. Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq  Listen to the speech and quote in

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Correct Yourself First Before Asking Others

WE SEE FREQUENTLY PEOPLE COMPLAINING ABOUT RAMPANT EVIL PRACTICES, degradation of society, onslaught of vulgarity and obscenity etc. This is generally followed by sermons on righteous path that has been neglected for a long time. In brief it has become our national characteristic to find faults without looking for their remedies in right earnest. What is unfortunate and disconcerting is the perception and treatment of the problem. Every one joins in and contributes his/her bit by making one remark or

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