
Four Wives!

Our Four Wives ! (Khanqah Sheikh Zakariyya,Lenasia, South Africa) Legend goes that once there was a very rich merchant in Baghdad who had four wives. The wealth had to be spent on something after all! The old man loved his young and beautiful fourth wife the most and adorned her with rich and beautiful clothes and treated her to all types of delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best. He also loved the

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Act to be a better Believer

While you plan to become a better believer one day, the angel of death plans to take your soul one day.Act upon your plan before he does. Maulana Dawood Seedat

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40 People attending Janazah Salaah

Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas رضى الله تعالى عنهnarrates: I heardرسول الله صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلمsaying: When a Muslim passes away, and forty such people attend his Janazah Salaah, who do not ascribe partners with ALLAH TA’ALA, then ALLAH TA’ALA accepts their intercession for him (MUSLIM) When more people attend a Janazah Salaah, the reward for the deceased is more, due to the increased amount of Du’as, in his favour. A specific number is not the objective.Some narrations have 100 people

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The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch10

As Ahmad walks towards the magical gates, they slowly open releasing an incredible scent out in the open. Ahmad’s hair is pushed back as the wind gently strikes against his body. He enters the large magical dome, and there before him is an incredible garden of literally thousands of large colourful flowers and bushes never seen by man. Streams of blue and green water pass through the land like meandering rivers, the water passing along at a generally fast speed.

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The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch9

Slowly the soil of the ground is thrown over the body of Ahmad. Minute by minute the hole of the grave begins to fill. Family, relatives and friends watch down in sadness, some crying out of grief, others crying out of fear that one day they will be in Ahmad’s situation, dead. They all sit around Ahmad’s grave until the time appointed. As they walk away, Ahmad’s soul is instantly taken up outside the Gates of Paradise. There before him

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The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch7

Ahmad stares to the ground and continues to cross the road.  Shaytan senses the presence of death and rushes towards his enemy,  Ahmad. “Look at the woman Ahmad! She is beautiful! Look at her to get rid of your satisfaction..!” Shaytan whispers into his ear. Suddenly a truck several yards from the group automatically looses control. A loud screech is heard from the group as they turn around and spot the truck skidding towards them! Ahmad sees that the pious

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The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch6

Ahmad felt pure. A feeling of a happiness that is indestructible; and this happiness is one that can only be felt after doing a deed pleasing to Allah while continuing on a right path. Ahmad walked down the street listening to the birds around chirping, praising Allah in ways He (Allah) knows best. Suddenly Mo came around the corner unexpectedly. “Ahmad! So good to see you again!” Mo called out. Ahmad smiled. “Where are you off too?” Mo asked. “Well…I…To

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The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch5

Both Ahmad’s parents sat around his hospital bed as he lay there unconscious. Suddenly Ahmad’s eyes began to flutter, and then after a minute his eyes slightly opened. “AllahuAkbar! My son! How are you feeling?!” Ahmad’s mother asked as she bent over holding her son’s hands with hers. Tears began to roll down her cheeks. “…When I saw that car coming towards me…I thought that was it…I was going to die…” Ahmad quietly said. “How long were you waiting here?”

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The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch4

Ahmad ran down the road towards his friend Mo. “Yo Ahmad! Where were you?!” Mo called out as Ahmad ran towards him. “Ah! It’s my parents again! They filled my ears again with all that religious rubbish.” “Haha! Don’t they have a life? I mean, Allah says He is forgiving, so as long as we believe in Him we will all go to Paradise as long as we don’t harm other people!” Mo spoke without knowledge. Mo and Ahmad continued

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The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch3

Ahmad’s Father, Muhammad, sat at the breakfast table staring down, watching the steam from his hot tea rise up into the air. Ahmad’s mother, ‘Aliya, approached Muhammad and sat next to him. “My beloved husband, what makes you sad?” “It is Ahmad. I weep for him. I have had a hard life and never had the life of a proper child. I was brought up in sin and I wasted so many years of my life in which I could

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