
The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch2

Ahmad lay in his bed fast asleep. The time approached Salatul-Thuhur. Suddenly Ahmad woke up from the sudden shaking of his blankets. “Ahmad! Wake up!” His father called as he shook him awake. “For God Sake! Why? It’s only 1:00pm in the afternoon!” Ahmad called out as he stretched around to stare at his alarm clock. “It’s only 1:00pm?! Are you insane? Almost the whole population is out of bed, and you are acting as it is 6:00am!” His father

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The Boy who tried to escape Death – ch1

Ahmad was a teenage boy at 16 years of age. He had two older brothers and one younger sister. His parents were ones of excellent religious character who tried their best to raise their children to the standards of Islam. It was religion first then education second. They hated when other Muslim friends or family asked their children about their education without first being asked about their religious duty to Allah being performed. Sadly Ahmad attached himself to the so-called

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7 Wonders in Man

Man is aware about his inevitable death, yet he indulges in laughter and merriment. Knowing that this world will come to an end, man still hankers after it. Man knows that everything has been predestined yet he laments over the loss of something. Man has been warned and has the full knowledge about the fire of hell but he continues to sin. Man believes in the Reckoning of the hereafter but still he persists in amassing wealth. Declaring his belief

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Flight Janazah

AsSalaam WaAlaykum WaRehmatullah WaBarkaatuhu Welcome aboard Fly Air Janazah When we are leaving this world for the next one, it shall be like a trip to another country. Where details of that country won’t be found in glamorous travel brochures but in the Holy Qura’an and the Hadiths. Where our plane won’t be Indian Air Lines, British Airways, Gulf Air or Emirates but Air Janazah. Where our luggage won’t be the allowed 30 Kgs but our deeds no matter how

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A Sermon from the Dying to the Living

There once lived in Basrah a prolific and profoundly spiritual worshipper whose fear of the Hereafter caused him to become physically weak, and whose constant crying made him skinny and sick. When he was on his deathbed, his family gathered around him, and they all began to cry. “Help me sit up.” He said. He addressed his father first: “O my father, what is making you cry?” “My son,” began his father, “I remembered that I will lose you, and

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What to do upon a Death

By Dr. Abdulhayy ‘Arifi rahimahullah WHEN SIGNS OF DEATH START SHOWING UP The blessed Companion Aboo Sa’eed Khudri radiyallahu anhu narrates that the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam said, “Prompt the dying among you to say (the kalimah): Lã ilãha illallãh (I declare that there is no god but Allah).” (Muslim)  The blessed Companion Ma’qil Ibne Yasãr radiyallahu anhu narrates that the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam said, “You should recite Soorah Yãseen over the dying among you.” (Musnade-Ahmad, Aboo Dãwood, Ibne Mãjah)

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A Good Sealing State: Husn al-Khatima

By Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf The final state of a person at the time of death is what matters in the Hereafter. In this article, we discuss some of the causes for both good and evil sealing states, and how a person’s inner traits will dominate at the time of death. In a hadith transmitted by Ibn Abi ’al-Dunya in his Commanding the Good and Forbidding Evil from Abu Umama (Allah be pleased with him) the Prophet (Allah bless

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At the face of death

A heart-touching story… learn from it. This is something that is very personal and important to me. I hope that you will learn and benefit from it. Let me begin by saying “Bismillah.” When I first started University, I had met another Muslim brother. We had become good friends, but this friendship was not like any other ordinary friendship, I would have done anything for him, he was like my real brother. During our last year of University, this brother

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Small Sins?

Ibn Al Hasan (A.R.) once remarked: “I am grieving for forty years over a sin committed by me.” Someone enquired, “What sin is that which has caused great concern and grief in you?” He replied, “Once I was visited by a friend and in order to entertain him, I bought fish which we subsequently ate. After the meal, I scraped some sand from my neighbour’s wall without his permission, to wash my hands. I am still crying over that sin.”

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Real Beauty of a Muslimah

True strory told by Shaykh “Abdul Mohsen al Ahmad”, it happened in Abha (the capital of Asir province in Saudi Arabia). “After performing Salat Al Maghrib, she put her make-up, wore her beautiful white dress preparing herself for her wedding party, Then she heard the Adhan of ‘Ishaa and she realized that she broke her Wudu. She told her mother: “mother, I have to go to make wudu and pray ‘Ishaa.” Her mother was shocked : “Are you crazy?!! Guests

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