
Maulana Yunus Patel has passed away

I received the news after Maghrib yesterday and below is the news extract from http://www.yunuspatel.co.za/  “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi Ra jioon… Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah alayh) has passed away in Makkah Mukarramah, request is made for fervent Dua-e-Maghfirat and abundant Esaale Sawaab to be sent for Hazrat Maulana (rahmatullah alayh).” One of his quotes I find beneficial to reflect on at this time is “Strange is the VISA of life-It can be cancelled at anytime. The duration

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The Final Return

A police officer in a Muslim country wrote the following letter to a Shaykh describing the events that led to his return to Allah.  He recalls: Seeing accidents and crash victims was a normal part of my day, but one incident was different. My partner and I had parked on the shoulder of the highway and began to chat. In a random second, the scene shattered to the hideous sound of metal bodies becoming one. We threw our heads back

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The Inevitable

By Aalimah Zafirah Mohammed Graduate of Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago All praises are for Allah who has given us life, the air to sustain us and has made us from amongst the best of mankind. Preparation! So much preparation. Everyday we prepare, either for a ceremony or a special occasion or just for our routine household activities in general. But we forget that there is an inevitable day that is coming. A day which we should be preparing for.

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The purpose of Life

What is the purpose of this life? Money, holidays, a beautiful wife? There is no point in us denying Each heart beat brings us closer to dying You’ll breathe your last Your life will have past Don’t pretend Death’s not the end You will taste death, death never waited Look around you, everything’s created It has a creator, it has a meaning A mother gives birth and then comes it’s weaning The sun rises and gives us light It sets,

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The Realm after Death (Barzakh)

It is the belief (‘Aqeedah) of deen that after death, mankind will enter a realm before the day of resurrection, which is known as Aalam-e-Barzakh. There are many sects in Islam who claim to be Muslims but do not believe in Aalam-e-Barzakh.’ This is a grave misunderstanding on behalf of these people. Death is the ultimate reality that no human can escape. It awes people and challenges all of their false claims of deviant beliefs. It puts an end to

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