
Eid Mubarak

May Allah accept all our good actions, forgive our shortcomings and shower His blessings upon you and your family on this blessed day of Eid. Eid Mubarak

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The Sunnahs of Eid

1. To awaken earlier than usual 2. To brush the teeth with Miswaak 3. To have a bath (Ghusl) 4. To be well dressed in an Islamic manner 5. To be dressed in one’s best clothes (Doesn’t necessarily have to be new) Note: Care should be taken that we do not incur debts or transgress the limits of modesty on the clothes we purchase and wear on Eid day as is seen in Muslim communities of today. Many of our

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Last Night of Ramadhaan

Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, ‘On the last night of Ramadhaan the fasting Muslims are forgiven.’ The Sahaabah radiyallahu anhum inquired, ‘O Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, is that the night of power?’ Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam replied, ‘No! But it is only right that a servant should be given his reward on having completed his duty’ [Ahmad] Back to Ramadan Menu

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After Ramadan

Promise yourself that once Ramadan is over, you won’t go back to old habits. Try to sustain where you left off & be determined to carry on. Mufti Ismail Menk

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Eid Mubarak

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As the Eid Greetings start…

Beware… As your phone goes into meltdown with Eid greetings, and as you rush around to prepare for Eid tomorrow beware of this distraction that robs you of the final precious hours of Ramadan. Make time even if a little between now and maghrib to cut off all distractions, turn to Allah and make heartfelt duas for Him to accept your Ramadan and save you from disgrace on the day of Judgement and the hellfire and to enter you into

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This Eid…

They had their haircuts the night before Eid and then hit town to get some nice new clothes for the night out they had planned for Eid. It was going to be wicked, they were going to look sharp and fresh and the ladies of Birmingham would be flocking around them that night! Imran brought himself some Louboutins, a new aftershave and Riz spent 400 on a blazer from Selfridges, when he had gotten home from the haircut before he

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Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak to all my brothers & sisters. May Allah ﷻ bless you all in abundance Ameen.

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Virtues of Udhiyyah – Sacrifice

“Sacrificing (animals) has been ordained on every Ummah so that the Name of Allah is mentioned on these particular animals which Allah has bestowed on them…” (Surah An’aam) “We have made the sacrifice of camels and cows among the salient features of (the Deen) of Allah. There is benefit in it for you.” (Surah Hajj) “Neither the flesh (of the sacrificed animals) nor their blood reach Allah. But, it is your taqwa (piety and sincerity of heart) which reaches Him.

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