
Narrating whatever we hear

We receive news all the time. Muslims have been told by Allāh and His Rasūl ﷺ to be very careful, very mindful of what we hear, receive, believe and what we repeat and pass on.كفى بالمرء كذبًا أن يحدث بكل ما سمعThe Prophet ﷺ said, “It is sufficient for a man to prove himself a liar when he goes on narrating whatever he hears.” A man doesn’t have to be an intentional liar to be a liar, however, it is

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The Prophet’s Sermon on Ramadhan

Baihaqi reported on the authority of Salman Al-Farsi (Radhi Allah ‘Anh) that Prophet (‘Alaihi Salat was-Salam) delivered a sermon on the last day of the month of Sha’ban. In it he (‘Alaihi Salat was-Salam) said, “O People! The month of Allah (Ramadan) has come with its mercies, blessings and forgivenesses. Allah has decreed this month the best of all months. The days of this month are the best among the days and the nights are the best among the nights

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Utter a Good Word

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:The Prophet ﷺ said, “It is also charity to utter a good word.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

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Sweetness of Imaan

Allah Ta’ala has stated in a Hadith-e-Qudsi: “Verily evil glancing is an arrow from the poisonous arrows of Shaitaan. Whosoever fears Me (Allah) and refrains from it will receive from Me such Imaan, the sweetness of which he will taste (feel) in his heart.

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Majaalis of Dhikr

Hadith: “Hold on to majaalis of Dhikr, and when you are alone keep moving your tongue as much as possible with Dhikr of Allah” (Mishkat) Via Shaykh Abdur Raheem

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Sutra in Salah

In the name of Allah, Most Beneficient, Most Merciful It is related that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said ‘If the one passing in front of the one praying knew what was against him, his waiting forty would be better for him than passing in front of him.’ [Bukhari] Abu al-Nadr, one of the sub narrators, said ‘I don’t know whether he said forty days, or months or years’. In a version narrated by al-Bazzar the hadith reads ‘forty

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Al-Agharr ibn Yasar al-Muzani said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “O people! Turn in repentance towards Allah and ask His forgiveness. I turn towards Him a hundred times a day.” [Muslim]

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Eye that Weeps

Anas said, “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, addressed us with a speech whose like I have never heard. He said, ‘If you were to know what I know, you would laugh little and weep much.’ The Companions of the Messenger of Allah covered their faces and sobbed.” [Bukhari, Muslim]

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Mystery of Dhaeef Hadeeth

A beautiful explanation by our Hazrat, shaykhul Hadith mawlana Yusuf Motala Saheb damat barakatuhum. “Many people get very charged up and excited at the mention of many ahadeeth and just cannot resist labelling anything they do not know or agree with as “DHAEEF”, meaning “WEAK”, without even knowing and understanding what the term means and implies especially if it is a narration from “Fazaile Aamal” written by Shaikhul-Hadeeth Molana Zakariyyah Kandhalvi rahimahullah. Firstly: The literal meaning of hadeeth is a

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What is Better?

“It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent; but silence is better than idle words.” (Bukhari)

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